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官方版本112.0預計在 2023年04月11日(美國時間) 台灣時間04月11日~04月12日 更新 111.0.1 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/111.0.1/releasenotes/ Fixed︰ Fixed a crash on macOS while pinch-zooming under some circumstances (bug 1658986). https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1658986 Fixed a bug causing Firefox to freeze on startup for some Windows users (bug 1823159). https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1823159 111.0 Release note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/111.0/releasenotes/ NEW︰ Windows native notifications are now enabled. Firefox Relay users can now opt-in to create Relay email masks directly from the Firefox credential manager. You must be signed in with your Firefox Account. We’ve added two new locales: Silhe Friulian (fur) and Sardinian (sc). Fixed︰ Various security fixes. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2023-09/ Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/111 Web Platform︰ Use of the rel attribute is now supported on form elements, allowing the specification of the relationship between the current document and the form target in a simpler, cross-browser way. Origin private file system access is now enabled, a new storage API that https://fs.spec.whatwg.org/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_Access_API enables web applications to store and retrieve data from and to the filesystem in a sandbox. android version: Enhancements︰ You can now view PDF documents as you browse, no need to download them and open external applications anymore. Total Cookie Protection was added to Enhanced Tracking Protection’s https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2021/02/23/total-cookie-protection/ Strict Mode. With Total Cookie Protection, every website gets its own cookie jar, preventing cookies from being used to track you from site to site. https://is.gd/fAqaFU On Pixel devices running Android 12 or higher, you can now share links to recently viewed web content directly from the Recents screen. Firefox is implementing a security change to the way it opens links in other applications. You will need to confirm the request before opening a link in another app. We will be working to refine and improve this change in upcoming releases. To get the latest features, fixes, and enhancements, make sure you update Firefox to the latest release. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/update-latest-version-firefox-android Fixed︰ On Android 13, the clipboard preview will hide your password when copying a password from your Firefox logins. A white bar showed at the bottom of the screen when scrolling and the toolbar bar is set to top. a crash ocurred when interacting with the media playback notification in the notification drawer. We hope you enjoy this new version. Thank you for using Firefox and supporting Mozilla’s mission for privacy, safety, and inclusion on the Web. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1678803770.A.1C2.html
rick: speedyfox很久沒更新了 有可替代/類似功能的軟體可以使用嗎? 03/14 22:23
estupid: nvidia VSR有沒有譜? 03/15 00:02
leon19790602: VSR不期不待了,前幾天為了VSR去用Chrome跟Edge,用 03/15 00:47
leon19790602: 了一陣子還是不習慣,只好放棄VSR 03/15 00:47
gcobc12632: 擴充套件選單強上正式版啦 痛苦的開始 03/15 02:22
kc1446: speedyfox我現在還在用,但用了跟沒用好像都沒差的感覺 03/15 03:26
s8321414: 擴充套件選單不是上一版就上了嗎?…… 03/15 08:09
jack999hhh95: 更新後擴充套件選單進about:config關不掉了 03/15 08:31
xylophone135: 那個擴充選單讓我停在108很久了 03/15 10:22
xylophone135: 再這樣一意孤行是不是要讓我換瀏覽器了 03/15 10:22
styyu1281: 其他瀏覽器硬上的更多… 03/15 12:07
hijacker: 通知整合到win系統裡了~~ 03/16 09:38
MilchFlasche: 108起,96以來的hide main toolbar CSS又失效了, 03/16 18:28
MilchFlasche: 所以我只好停在97 03/16 18:28
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 03/16/2023 23:02:08
crow0801: 請問 確定附加元件選單在這版關不掉了嗎? 03/17 11:50
crow0801: 這個真的會讓我想換瀏覽器了 03/17 11:51
crow0801: 連Edge的擴充套件管理都好用多了 Firefox改成這樣無法 03/17 11:55
crow0801: 接受 03/17 11:55
gcobc12632: 可以隱藏那個按鈕 但不能把按鈕移到其他地方 03/17 12:07
gcobc12632: 之後要打開附加元件列表就只能從右上角的選單打開 03/17 12:07
gcobc12632: #unified-extensions-button { display: none } 03/17 12:08
gcobc12632: 你在userChrome.css加上這行就可以隱藏了 03/17 12:09
gcobc12632: 至於userChrome.css的用法 可以Google找 滿簡單的 03/17 12:09
sate5232: 有辦法把套件拖回原本的收藏選單嗎 03/19 00:23
sate5232: 他現在這樣搞,原本那個收藏選單變的很尷尬,只能把火狐 03/19 00:25
sate5232: 內建的幾個圖示丟上去,超沒意義的 03/19 00:25
sate5232: 附加套件選單也不能選擇哪個不要顯示在這附加套件選單裡 03/19 00:25
sate5232: 結果就是選單點下去,裡面一堆根本沒有按鈕反灰的套件 03/19 00:27
sate5232: 到底是要把他放在這邊做三小 03/19 00:27
crow0801: 原本的收藏選單 讓使用者自訂就好 現在這樣反而難用 03/19 03:15
rick: 有辦法回到比如說5點的瀏覽狀態嗎? 不小心關掉fx然後他分頁 03/19 18:11
rick: 沒儲存好 我手賤想回復最近關閉的分頁 結果弄錯就不見了QQ 03/19 18:11
Kuge: 除非有裝瀏覽狀態相關套件 不然做不到吧 03/20 00:55
rick: 殘念~ Orz 只好重來 03/20 23:17
kc1446: ....那個好像已出來了,我說的是110版的後續更新XD 03/21 13:46
kc1446: 更正,是111版 03/21 13:47
DavisX: 自動更新還沒抓到 03/21 19:49
rick: 現在都晚上10點以後再更新看看 Orz 03/21 20:42
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 03/22/2023 07:40:32