看板 CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
提醒一下 這季的B3競猜已經開始了 第一場比賽是從4/20號開始 如果競猜得到第一到三名的話好像會有些獎勵(難度大概很高) 我自己的話大概就是好玩而已 以前一直抓不到開始的時間 這季是去看有打B3球隊([I.1] tofu 和 [I.1] ThunderClap )的賽程 才知道什麼時候開始 附個球隊歷史: 球隊:QQguest [IV.7] 15→[III.9] 16~21→[II.2] 22→[III.3] 23,24→[II.3] 25~28 →[III.11] 29→[II.1] 30~33→[I.1] 34 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CGI-Game/M.1460884373.A.E9F.html
Antstom: 感謝QQ的分享!!!! 04/17 18:55
AppleLeo: 第一次競猜,完全不知道猜什麼! 隨便點一點 XD 04/17 21:33
killmejohn: 看球隊裡面的評分去猜大概誰會贏 04/17 22:55
killmejohn: 我大概都是這樣猜的 機率會比較高? 04/17 22:55
對了,看了一下英文的說明,猜對每場的積分點的變化是 32進16:3 16進 8:5 8進 4:8 4進 2:13 2進 1:21 貼一下英文的說明 Welcome to the weekly BuzzerBeater's Best predictions contest! We have prepared for you a list of B3 knockout phase matches played in the next 7 days. Once the B3 tournament has progressed to the final thirty-two bracket, you will be able to predict winners for each game played. If you correctly predict a winner in the Final 32, you will be awarded 3 points. The scoring will be changed to 5 in the Final 16, 8 in the Quarter Finals, 13 in the Semis, and 21 for the Championship Game. The overall winner will be awarded one year Supporter! There will be some consolation prizes for the second and third place as well. ※ 編輯: PPguest (, 04/21/2016 16:31:41
PPguest: 炫耀一下 18 little Guest 131 Taiwan 05/19 19:46
PPguest: 35季 12 little Guest 127 Taiwan 08/25 12:03
PPguest: 36季 10 little Guest 124 Taiwan 12/01 13:09
PPguest: 37季 9 little Guest 137 Taiwan 03/10 15:07
PPguest: 38季嚴重退步,109個 積分, 積分排名 129 06/17 20:44
PPguest: 40季 97個積分,排名115 12/28 14:00
PPguest: 恭喜 1黑血球132Taiwan 12/28 14:00