看板 CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/08/csi-final-season 全文↑ 內文是說(有誤請多見諒) The rumors have been flying these past couple weeks, with each twist keeping.industry insiders guessing. All seem to agree that CBS will renew CSI. Likewise, rumors are consistent that the 16th round will be the final season, and a shorter-than-usual one, as well. 16季將會是最後一季 而且季數會比之前的還要少... There is another factor that has not been previously reported, as well: We're told CBS is hoping to persuade original CSI star William Petersen to return for the final two hours. There is no deal for this. 老葛不會回歸啊~~~ 看到這新聞 也覺得 啊!喔 就這樣了... ====================== 又一篇~~啊~~~~~ http://www.vulture.com/2015/05/csi-has-been-canceled.html?mid=facebook_vulture 可是~~~ The good news for CSI fans is that spinoff CSI: Cyber has been picked up for a second season 新聞越出越多... http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/13/csi-canceled CBS has made it official: One of the longest-running crime dramas will come to a close next season. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation will wrap its 15 seasons with a two-hour TV movie on Sept. 27, the network announced Wednesday morning. The movie will include—as EW was first to report last week—the return of original series star William Petersen. Former co-star Marg Helgenberger will appear in the film as well. In addition current CSI star Ted Danson will continue to stay with the franchise by moving over to the show’s latest spinoff, CSI: Cyber. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CSI/M.1431183508.A.25A.html
AdventChild: 歐美影集板有新聞報CBS官方決定不續約本店耶?@@ 05/09 23:00
AdventChild: 而且照您貼的內容,感覺那所謂下一季就是2hr電影版 05/09 23:02
meisterhaft: 唉,終於走到這一天>"< 05/09 23:08
kk2451: No~~~我最愛的本店…雖然元老幾乎走光…但還是比較愛看本 05/09 23:10
kk2451: 店的風格啊……抖音 05/09 23:10
petestar: 16真的也很久了 天下無不散的筵席啊…QQ 05/09 23:43
SpartanB: finally... CSI byebye 05/09 23:50
bluelou: 終於還是收攤了 T_T 05/09 23:55
barery24: 5/14有續約發表會,到時才會真的確定吧,但目前看到的消 05/10 01:28
barery24: 息...下一季是最後一季應該是不會錯了QQ 05/10 01:29
barery24: 至少還可以好好收尾... 05/10 01:29
forfly: 不管怎樣,能16季也夠久了(約莫等於16年 05/10 01:30
cschair: 好難過...希望能好好收尾... 05/10 01:36
sunchen0201: 還是好難過 雖然不比NY收掉時的心痛 啊~MAC 啊~FLACK 05/10 09:40
whisperstar: 還是希望最後一集元老都能回歸 05/10 10:44
nosweating: 最後幾季弄成那樣 真是覺得早收早好... 05/10 11:20
sonpy68: 雖然知道終究會結束 依然難過阿QQ 05/10 14:03
nanako24: 啊 要結束了 還是會難過啊 05/10 17:29
fanisha: 好想至少還有收尾 哭哭 05/10 22:07
fanisha: 好險 05/10 22:07
Szmanda: 看國外網站是說cancel掉16季,改播兩小時特別篇來做endin 05/11 02:04
Szmanda: g。不知不覺也看了15年啊...... 05/11 02:04
bigcrowd: 真的是從小看到大>< 有點難過 05/11 03:25
chu8751: 雖然到最後已經是習慣性的收看,但真的要收掉還是很難過 05/11 09:18
TSbb: 應該是本季就是最後了,下半年會出個特別版的單集作為最終 05/11 20:37
TSbb: 其實我要說,第13季很好看啊,網球雙姝跟電視台停電殺人 05/11 20:38
TSbb: 的案件很好看,本電視最近兩季比較難看,遷就連續殺人魔 05/11 20:38
TSbb: 本店 05/11 20:39
a85316: 看到16季是最後一季就夠傷心了 結果連16季都沒了QQ 05/11 22:50
※ 編輯: mmnnm (, 05/12/2015 13:01:38
Szmanda: 今天發的新聞稿是說CSI:cyber續約,本店未定 05/12 13:17
Szmanda: 美國時間5/13會有最終定案 05/12 13:20
foxs9: 有點傷心~ 05/12 22:33
dunn: easeries那邊說 CSI cancel了... 05/13 08:56
dunn: ended at S15 05/13 09:04
DavidHodges: 前陣子還在複習前幾九季的說...至少有個好的收尾吧 05/13 16:13
DavidHodges: 真的好難過喔QQ 05/13 16:13
cschair: So sad...給個好結局嘛QQ 05/13 19:40
Szmanda: 以兩小時的電視電影做結尾....希望能像ER那樣有個完美的 05/13 23:18
Szmanda: 結束 05/13 23:18
※ 編輯: mmnnm (, 05/13/2015 23:36:33 ※ 編輯: mmnnm (, 05/13/2015 23:37:23 ※ 編輯: mmnnm (, 05/13/2015 23:39:26
r49: 嗚嗚 從小看到大的習慣QQ 05/13 23:49
aramaram: 不要阿 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/13 23:51
asco12781111: 真的是從小看到大.....無法接受 不~~~~~ 05/14 00:05
popopopony: 確認是2小時特別篇,Catherine和老葛會回歸,感覺已經 05/14 00:10
popopopony: 開始懷念了QQ 05/14 00:10
chia0727: 我的青春歲月……懷念 05/14 07:25
asco12781111: 不知道布拔會不會回來.... 05/14 10:35
alone1216: 從小到大的回憶,不要啊(>_<) 05/15 11:29
wingbroken: 這天 終究是來了 很久沒追新進度了 但老葛在的那幾季 05/16 19:21
wingbroken: 還有NY(我最愛的弗帥) 卻還是一直拿來複習 05/16 19:22
JimBrass: 會很想念大家 05/17 00:56
abububu: 從小的回憶 05/17 13:56