看板 CTU-24 關於我們 聯絡資訊
福斯將推新版《24》 擬刪基佛蘇德蘭戲份 傑克鮑爾會發生什麼事? '24' TV Series Renewed; FOX Considers New Version Without Kiefer Sutherland; What will happen to Jack Bauer? Venture Capital Post 2015年5月15日 http://goo.gl/XOPR8w 間諜題材影集《24反恐任務》久未出現在福斯的2015-2016年新劇名單內,讓影迷不快 ,但他們大可不再擔心了,因為福斯電視網已確認本劇的新版目前正在開展中。然而 在該影集重回螢幕的同時,伴隨的可能是基佛蘇德蘭的離去。 The show's fans might have been upset after finding out that the espionage-themed series "24" is still not included in FOX's 2015-2016 line up, but they should not worry anymore as the network confirmed that a new version of the series is currently in development. However, along with the show's future return is also the possibility of Kiefer Sutherland's departure. 《24反恐任務:活過今晚》在2014年夏上映、大獲成功後,福斯執行長丹娜華登和蓋瑞 紐曼出席了一次記者會,並表示他們正在籌備新一系列的連續劇。 Following the successful revival of "24: Live Another Day" in summer 2014, FOX executives Dana Walden and Gary Newman revealed during the Upfronts press conference that they are putting together another run of the series "24". 紐曼表示:「我們已著手製作新版《24》,但進度還處於相當初始的階段。」「因此目 前只能告訴各位,我們有在做事了。」 "We have been developing another version of '24,' but it's still fairly early in the development process," says Newman. "So there just would be nothing we can tell you at this time other than we are working on something." 雖然影迷們都急欲得知更多詳情,但目前並無更多與本劇相關的情報為外界所知。但新 的《24反恐任務》可能接續《活過今晚》藍光DVD特輯的內容──正在服刑的東尼艾美達 向當局供出情報,交換條件是讓自己獲釋。儘管他碰了壁,但卻得到貴人相助,劇末的 艾美達正在研究逃獄的平面圖。 As much as fans love to learn the rest of the details, not much else is known about the project this time. However, there might be a possibility that the new "24" would pick up what "Live Another Day" Blue-ray/DVD release left where a confined Tomy Almeida was shown trying to reveal information to the authorities in exchange for his release. Though his offer has been denied, someone tries to help him escape; and in the closing scenes, he was seen studying the escape plans. 另外一件讓粉絲們好奇的事,就是飾演傑克鮑爾的基佛蘇德蘭,到底會不會在下一劇中 亮相?華登在今年稍早時,說蘇德蘭有可能不會出演下集。她解釋道:「並不是說我們 不再跟他一起繼續拍攝本劇。」「我們是在說,會不會有一整集中完全沒蘇德蘭的戲份 ?」。此外,讓事情變得更有趣的一點,是這位影集明星已經出現了「對鮑爾一角不再 感興趣」的早期跡象,難道他已經救人救到煩了嗎? Another thing that keeps the fans' curious is whether Kiefer Sutherland, who played the role of Jack Bauer, will return for its next run. Earlier this year, Walden mentioned that there is a possibility of that Sutherland will no longer be involved in the next installment. We're not talking about continuing the show without him," she elaborated. "We're talking about whether there is one installment that he's not in." Also, there have been early indications from the series star that he is not interested in the character anymore which makes it more intriguing. Is he really done saving lives? 《24反恐任務》的前8季在2001年至2010年間陸續播出,而第九季則隔了4年後上映。關 於新版《24》的推出日期還沒說法出現,但據說其將走動作驚悚路線。 The first eight seasons of the show aired from 2001 to 2010 while the ninth one aired four years later. As for the upcoming "24", no word about the release date has been out yet but the new take is said to in an action-thriller genre. 或許本劇的第二部復出之作會讓引領期盼的影迷們為之一振,但知道傑克鮑爾有可能不 再登場後,肯定也會招致憂慮或不快。缺了傑克鮑爾的《24》真行的通嗎?請在下方留 言分享心得。 This second revival of the show may have stirred the fans that waited for its return, yet it surely would also worry or upset others more knowing that Jack Bauer may not be coming back anymore. Would a Jack Bauer-less "24" work? Share us what you think through placing your comments below. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CTU-24/M.1431860012.A.3EF.html Howard61313:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 05/17 18:53 ※ 編輯: Howard61313 (, 05/17/2015 19:03:57
Phater: 驚悚路線? 05/18 15:31
APNA: 感謝分享 05/19 00:50
BearJW: 換新人也不錯啦 現在對好萊塢選角滿有信心的 05/19 03:16
BearJW: John就當新主角走頭無路時 突然現身幫助然後戲份不用多 05/19 03:18
BearJW: Jack才對 poi看太多... 像全民公敵的金哈克曼協助威爾史密 05/19 03:20
BearJW: 斯那樣 05/19 03:20
ienjan: 救人救到煩? 是殺人殺到煩吧 XD 05/19 04:29
Phater: 其實我蠻希望看前傳,Jack當年在特種部隊的故事. 05/19 07:45
Rhevas: 前傳很難拍吧 他不年輕了啊,要怎麼演以前的Jack 05/23 15:59
Phater: 就是換人演前傳啊. 這樣主角角色不變就可以直接換年輕演員 05/24 14:17
timon7063: 找隻土撥鼠來演前傳就好了(大誤 09/04 06:45