看板 CVS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
【商品名稱/價格】:彈珠汽水霜淇淋/39元 【便利商店/廠商】:全家 【規格/內容物/熱量】:110公克/127.6大卡 https://i.imgur.com/Afayhs5.jpg
【評分】:95分 https://i.imgur.com/EfI5iHZ.jpg
【心得】:蘇打味道清爽,淡淡的不會太甜, 剛剛上一篇有人推錯篇推了跳跳糖, 撒在上面口感一定更像汽水, 無奈店裡沒有進跳跳糖,不然我就可以實驗一下了。 -- Look at the stars, look how they shine for you And everything that you do, yeh they were all YELLOW I came along, i wrote a song for you and all the things you do, and it was called YELLOW And so i took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, And it was all YELLOW. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CVS/M.1560930932.A.903.html
ottoHungary: 如果能加跳跳糖感覺也不錯 這口味有點微酸很清爽 06/19 16:02
zMidTwo5566: 好大隻!! 06/19 17:43
taleschia: 吃到底部有彈珠嗎? 06/19 17:53
bland1121: http://i.imgur.com/RXR6ggc.jpg 06/19 18:11
bland1121: 覺得這口味跟餅乾不搭…但挺好吃的 06/19 18:12
masternavy: 好大隻! 06/19 18:20
marywen: 雙淇淋的好吃 06/19 18:30
w4: 吃了兩支舊口味…好膩 06/19 18:37
SpiderX: https://i.imgur.com/A4nLvio.jpg 好好吃 06/19 18:56
heavensake: 很清爽 就是蘇打雪糕味道變成霜淇淋 好吃 06/19 19:22
Dulululu: 太甜了,就糖水味,吃到一半超渴,比較喜歡紅茶QQ 06/19 19:32
peipei0919: 好甜 06/19 19:44
YellowC: QQ 06/19 19:50
alysia0219: 覺得甜膩 06/19 20:19
myine: 覺得太甜+1 06/19 20:26
acs81046: 超好吃 06/19 21:12
z2gundam: 官方如果加十元多一包跳跳糖應該更有賣點 06/19 21:51
as755027: https://i.imgur.com/rg2d4za.jpg 06/19 23:21
as755027: 我的好小隻QQ 06/19 23:22
AMPM: 什麼時候有巧克力口味.... 06/19 23:35
mini183: 覺得好吃 除了茶口味外 這應該可以算是目前最愛的口味了 06/20 07:44
golddunhill: 讓我想到神燈精靈 06/20 09:56
yihsuan1122: https://i.imgur.com/SRguyd4.jpg 好吃 06/20 12:13
welly7510: 好https://i.imgur.com/qxFkyu5.png 06/20 12:17
welly7510: 長 06/20 12:18
mygreenair: 樓上這個是親友量了吧!太超過 06/20 13:23
ishiyoshi: 甜膩+1 06/20 15:01
Rujki: 顏色好特別@@ 06/20 22:41