看板 C_Anthony 關於我們 聯絡資訊
資料來源:http://ppt.cc/~se1 New York City’s host for the 2015 All-Star game received the starting nod for the seventh time in his prolific career. The fans voted New York native Carmelo Anthony to the Eastern Conference All-Star squad as the midseason showcase will take place on February 15 at Madison Square Garden. 做為紐約東道主的瓜瓜在他多產的職業生涯中,第七次入選為明星賽先發球員。 明星賽舉辦的日期將在本季賽程中段--02/15日在麥迪遜花園舉行。 “For me to be the face of New York, representing New York during All-Star weekend is a special moment you really can't put into words,” Anthony said. 瓜瓜表示:我將要扮演紐約門面的角色,在明星賽中代表紐約這個城市出賽,這真是神奇以致無法言喻的時刻。 Anthony scored 30 points in last year’s contest, including a record-breaking eight 3-pointers in 30 minutes of action. The 8-time All-Star will make his fourth appearance as a member of the New York Knicks and in the first season after inking a long-term deal in Gotham. 瓜瓜在去年明星賽中得到30分,其中還包括了破紀錄的8顆三分球。 這次的明星賽是瓜瓜生涯中第八次入選、來尼克後第四次入選,同時也是他在去年簽了長約後的第一次。 In 33 games this season, Anthony is averaging 24 points per game while ranking in the top five in the league in scoring. The 30-year old averages 21 points per game in eight All-Star outings, shooting an impressive 54 percent from the floor and 42.9 percent behind the arc. 在這個賽季過去的33場比賽中,瓜平均每場24分,仍排名在聯盟得分榜的前五名。 這位30歲的球員在他過去參與的八場明星賽中,得到平均每場21分,命中率為驚人的54%,其中三分命中率更達到42.9%。 恭喜瓜瓜進入明星賽! 今年票數:647,005,為東區前場第三名。 希望翻譯沒有翻得太奇怪orz 大家02/15明星賽live討論串相見吧XDDD -- = ̄ ̄╲ No Probleeeeeem!!!∥ [ ˙˙ -—] = = ψsherry821224 = = +● ∥  ̄◣ ◢ ̄ ̄◣  ̄◣ = = >∥──  ̄◣ = = " /| ∥ ◥_◢= =__╱ ◥__◤ ╲_◢= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Anthony/M.1421984059.A.CC0.html ※ 編輯: jayelva (, 01/23/2015 11:50:27
lin68106: 瓜近況不錯,球隊也開始贏球,希望能維持健康狀態啊~ 01/24 13:43
ugreat: 瓜瓜死忠球迷真是不離不棄... QQ 希望明年好轉 01/28 15:01
qu3899: 推推 02/11 12:18