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https://www.cbr.com/world-biggest-adult-manga-pirate-site-america-sued/ World's Biggest Free Adult Manga 'Piracy' Site Sued by U.S. Company for Copyright Infringement By Chike Nwaenie Published 1 day ago The world's biggest free mature manga site, considered by many to deal in pirated work, has been sued for copyright infringement by a U.S. distribution company, with the site worth a massive 79.4 million monthly visits. Via Torrent Freak, the adult manga website nHentai's legal troubles have worsened following a lawsuit for copyright infringement by PCR Distributing. PCR has been involved in the distribution of adult games since 1998; according to its recent filing, it "owns, creates, acquires, translates, and distributes premium hentai art and publications from Asia to the U.S. market" and "specializes in localizing and publishing Japanese visual novels and dating-sim games for the English market." It previously filed for a subpoena to reveal the identities of those running nHentai, which the site disputes due to its belief that it acts as a mere "conduit" for potentially illegal content, rather than actively being engaged in storing illegal material. Given that there's a precedent for DMCA subpoenas being denied for this reason, it had effectively stalled PCR until Aug. 30, when the company sued. PCR filed a complaint for four charges: "Copyright Infringement," "Vicarious Copyright Infringement," "Contributory Copyright Infringement" and "Inducement of Copyright Infringement." It now seeks a jury trial to bring nHentai to justice, claiming that it cannot be considered a mere conduit since it doesn't allow users to submit content. If PCR's suit is successful, nHentai will be forced to pay compensation. Additionally, PCR demands that the site's domain hosting service, CloudFlare, turn over the site to them, or for third parties such as Google and other search engines, ISPs and all other services to block it in the U.S. This would mark a major blow to one of the world's biggest sites, with 79.4 million monthly visits. Similarweb adds that users access on average 41.62 pages on the site per visit and spend around 11 minutes browsing. nHentai had previously sought a private settlement with PCR, which was outright rejected. 2024 Has Been a Major Year in Battling Anime, Manga & Webtoon Piracy The copyright infringement lawsuit and subpoena filing comprise part of a tumultuous year in the fight to curb piracy. In late August, WEBTOON filed a subpoena request to expose the identities of operators of over 170 piracy sites. These sites have a combined 100 million monthly page visits, signaling just how widespread these illegal sites are. Most pirated manga originate from Japan and Korea, whose countries collaborated on an international operation to shut down over 16 piracy sites in Brazil over the past year, worth another 100 million monthly visits. While efforts to combat international piracy have been at the forefront, Japan saw massive success at home earlier this year, securing financial penalties from Mangamura -- previously the biggest manga piracy site in Japanese history. This was followed by Korea's triumph just recently. The operator of web novel piracy site Ajitun, which was Korea's worst offender in the medium, was arrested and had his materials seized following a police raid last week. Source: Torrent Freak 簡單說 nHentai 被美國的代理公司炮了 如果炮贏 N站除了要罰錢以外 還需要把所有權轉給那家代理公司或是被ISP封禁 https://pacer.uscourts.gov/ 美國法庭可以用案號2:24-cv-07453查相關檔案 不過要錢 https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/54932487/PCR_Distributing_Co_v_Does_1_10_dba_NHENTAINET_ 這是第三方資料庫 https://torrentfreak.com/images/nhentai-complaint.pdf 有一家新聞網站有放主訴狀備份 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1725580637.A.AD7.html ※ 編輯: smart0eddie ( 美國), 09/06/2024 07:57:58
Wardyal: 不知道為甚麼從很久以前就開始很卡 09/06 07:57
yankult0445d: 這會掰嗎 09/06 07:58
fenix220: 所有權?是要吃下來膩 09/06 08:02
starsheep013: 所有權? 09/06 08:03
turn over the site to them 新聞是這樣寫 不過應該不會准吧
munchlax: 4-10 掰~ 09/06 08:04
shengod: 我手機還是進的去 09/06 08:05
ClannadGood: 88888888 09/06 08:05
sincere77: 你會先吃水桶砲 09/06 08:06
gustavvv: 你會先掰 09/06 08:07
新聞例外啊 有些人很急著要壓消息嗎
BassHunter: 盜版網站這樣光明正大的?隔壁也一樣笑死 09/06 08:07
x2159679: 很難想像C洽還有人在看盜版網站 09/06 08:08
※ 編輯: smart0eddie ( 美國), 09/06/2024 08:10:50
leewings: 哪會很難想像,都有張貼1/3沒問題的板規了 09/06 08:09
peter0627: 搞不好人家只看1/3阿 這樣就不算違規了吧 09/06 08:11
wahaha2005: 砲N站的這家有J18 Publishing (售賣成人漫畫的)及 09/06 08:11
wahaha2005: JAST USA (售賣成人遊戲)的 09/06 08:11
guogu: 你會吃4-10砲 09/06 08:11
kusotoripeko: 又要少一個了嘛 09/06 08:14
joe51408: 這不就出現在新聞媒體了 要4-10什麼 09/06 08:15
Xincha: 新聞可以吧 還是這邊我們貼1/3篇新聞== 09/06 08:18
F16V: 都有人貼超過1/3還被解水桶了 09/06 08:19
class21535: 把版規當塑膠喔 09/06 08:22
Yan239: 1/3沒問題 09/06 08:22
stan1231: 4-10-IV 09/06 08:23
stan1231: 上新聞媒體者不罰 09/06 08:24
aaron91114: 左轉 09/06 08:24
mkcg5825: 你很勇哦 09/06 08:25
class21535: 原來還有上新聞不罰這條 09/06 08:25
ILoveOppai: 搞不好人家漫畫只看1/3ㄚ 又沒違規 09/06 08:26
mamamia0419: 所以會出事嗎? 09/06 08:27
iComeInPeace: 你進來貼文只看1/3不就好了 09/06 08:28
salamender: 這告訴我們看到喜歡的就趕快下載 09/06 08:30
cycy771489: 用3個帳號每個都貼1/3 09/06 08:31
skyofme: 看推特討論管理者好像已經開始進行關站的流程 09/06 08:31
ssarc: 新聞就新聞,難不成犯罪新聞還要切開貼? 09/06 08:32
jeeplong: 什麼地方討論什麼事情 對啊 09/06 08:33
CCNK: 新聞有豁免條款 09/06 08:34
tonylolz: 貼1/3才沒事 09/06 08:34
a43164910: 為什麼貼過來這裡 這邊的使用者不看盜版的 09/06 08:34
gsock: 很難想像C洽還有人在看盜版網站 09/06 08:36
skyofme: 欸好像也不是,好像只是剛好昨天dns有點問題所以有人聯 09/06 08:36
skyofme: 想到是不是跟這新聞有關 09/06 08:36
longkiss0618: 世界末日 09/06 08:37
mic73528: 建議新聞也貼1/3 09/06 08:38
guogu: 原來新聞有例外 我還以為只有失效例外 09/06 08:43
Dheroblood: 看盜版的被這樣正常ㄚ 09/06 08:44
ccccccccccc: 為啥要幻想別人壓消息 09/06 08:44
Sinreigensou: 板規有寫新聞報導不罰啊 09/06 08:45
tonyxfg: 我比較驚訝的是這網站居然架在美國?!居然能存活到現在 09/06 08:49
tonyxfg: ??? 09/06 08:49
anpinjou: 無罪推定 :) 09/06 08:52
alligator176: 什麼居然有盜版 09/06 08:56
henshin: 還好我只看1/3就射惹 09/06 08:57
gunfighter: 每個免空也都說自己只提供容量租借服務 09/06 09:00
gunfighter: 內容跟自己無關 但最後都被抄家了 09/06 09:00
gunfighter: 只要是公開數據 總有辦法找到抄家理由 09/06 09:00
gunfighter: 除非像中國 只要不得罪党 都沒問題 09/06 09:00
as3366700: R18架在中國那才真的是嫌命長 09/06 09:02
wei115: 還好 當初諸神黃昏比較慘 09/06 09:02
digitai1: 怎可能架在中國啦這也太美化那邊了吧wwwww 09/06 09:02
gunfighter: 只能說你找不到是沒用對方法 你以為黃油漢化哪來的 09/06 09:07
exile9340: 火種源計劃又要啟動惹麼 09/06 09:08
eva05s: 不意外吧,盜版就是早晚要吃炮而已,這也不是他們家第一 09/06 09:12
eva05s: 次出事 09/06 09:12
tyifgee: 這我無話可說… 09/06 09:21
tyifgee: 這種東西你不架在摩爾多瓦那種三不管地帶,早晚被人制裁 09/06 09:22
evilurd: 這石頭我丟不起(放下 09/06 09:23
tomsawyer: 哪天1/3的應許之地論壇也會不會被砲阿 怕 09/06 09:41
iampig951753: 這跟黑傑克一樣是相當明顯的違法 09/06 09:43
neetarashi: 架在美國 很勇喔 09/06 09:43
iampig951753: 進去蹲完全沒藉口 09/06 09:43
lanstype: 那個動物還活著就好 09/06 09:49
jackie1115: 沒想到是先吃版權砲而不是美國兒少法之類的 09/06 09:55
WindSucker: 動搖洽本 09/06 10:17
lee70404: 情報有三篇不就看完整回了 居心可議 09/06 10:24
guolong: 打手槍打到1/3,啊啊啊啊要遵守版規換一本再繼續打 09/06 10:24
aria0520: 架在美國?? 09/06 10:29
jimmyVanClef: 哈哈哈沒看清楚版規就在喊桶 09/06 10:33
LoserLee: 動搖 09/06 11:13
kitty2000: 能架在美國不就證明美國根本不管a漫 09/06 12:00
exca: 遲來的正義 盜版死好 09/06 12:17
spfy: 竟然是架在美國.... 09/06 12:34
lazarus1121: 能架個20年也很強了 09/06 12:45
YaLingYin: 架在美國感覺就很挑釁耶 09/06 12:46
taohjca: n還是學學熊貓吧 轉移到聖塔布里控的伺服器吧 09/06 13:35
locusVI: 難怪有些NTR作品都下架了 09/06 14:52
sawa26: 常常有漫畫被下架,現在要整個消失了 09/06 22:41
fmp1234: 這樣開三個站,各1/3,完美規避XD。 09/06 23:31