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原文 #1NERrsxa ※ 引述《IKAFIRE (沒有)》之銘言: : 因為推文感覺問題描述不清楚,乾脆回一篇問問題 : 看完這三個policy之後對於他的設計感到有點疑惑,因此跑回去看draft : 這是今年二月的版本 : http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0024r1.html : 前一篇已經把這個草稿的精髓描述過了 : 我在這邊只節錄草稿中對於每個policy效果的描述 : ##sequential_execution_policy : The invocations of element access functions in parallel algorithms invoked : with an execution policy object of type sequential_execution_policy are : indeterminately sequenced (in) the calling thread. : 基本上似乎是個fallback用的policy,讓你在不改變呼叫形式的情況下也可以避免平行化 : 只是有個疑問,為什麼要設計成「不保證執行順序 (indeterminately sequenced)」呢? : 有趣的是在2015的初稿中,原本是保證依序執行的,不知甚麼原因被改掉了 如果你是問為什麼不改成sequential,那解答應該是 這樣跟不用execution policy一樣,那這樣就不需要有這個execution policy了 如果你是問為什麼不改成unsequenced,那解答應該是 標準應該增加一個std::unsequenced_execution_policy (可針對block operation提升效能) 然後sequential_execution_policy名字應該要更改,因為原本的意思已經不見了 不知道這樣有沒有解答你的疑問 (底下新增Jared Hoberock的回答) : ##parallel_execution_policy : The invocations of element access functions in parallel algorithms invoked : with an execution policy object of type parallel_execution_policy are : permitted to execute in an unordered fashion in either the invoking thread or : in a thread implicitly created by the library to support parallel algorithm : execution. : 還蠻好想像的行為,沒甚麼問題 對 所以要用execution policy的人,應該先了解thread的概念 : ##parallel_vector_execution_policy : The invocations of element access functions in parallel algorithms invoked : with an execution policy of type parallel_vector_execution_policy are : permitted to execute in an unordered fashion in unspecified threads, and : unsequenced with respect to one another within each thread. : 問題來了,這個policy的優點何在? : 乍看之下與parallel_execution_policy相較沒有額外的好處,還會引入很多問題 : 例如前篇也提過的,許多synchronization都可能會變成deadlock : 甚麼樣的情況下會不用上一個policy而採用這個? vector<size_t> num{1,2}; vector<int> input{4,3}; vector<int> output(2); for_each(par_vec,cbegin(vec),cend(vec),[&](const auto val){ //do something according to input[val] //save result to output[val] }); 以這例子來說,parallel_vector_execution_policy能執行更快 因為每個func互不干涉(我已經給func需要的資料) 所以如果不用進行synchronize,用parallel_vector_execution_policy會更好 另外,還要提一點,如果你的func裡面有block operation 那使用parallel_vector_execution_policy應該會更快 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_and_CPP/M.1463452515.A.0E1.html
LPH66: 所以應該就是這個 policy 提供 vectorization 的機會這樣 05/17 10:39
IKAFIRE: vectorize那邊我懂了,感謝。關於sequential policy我的 05/17 10:58
IKAFIRE: 理解是為了用同一個函式簽名也能以未平行化方式執行,而 05/17 10:58
IKAFIRE: 次序就不重要,但應該沒有必要為了「和沒policy不一樣」 05/17 10:58
IKAFIRE: 而強調不依序執行? 05/17 10:58
我只看得懂前面那句話... 「因為要使用同個function signature,所以要增加一個非parallel的版本」 剩下的就看不懂了
IKAFIRE: 因為文中的解答是「這樣跟不用execution policy一樣,那 05/17 11:25
IKAFIRE: 這樣就不需要有這個execution policy了」 05/17 11:25
IKAFIRE: 但我覺得應該不是因為這個原因而這樣設計的 05/17 11:27
IKAFIRE: 感謝你這麼熱心! 05/18 23:27
From: Me Hi, I am reading the C++ standard (about parallelism TS). And, I am curious, why does the C++ standard use "sequential order" for std::sequential_execution_policy at first in P0024R0. But using "indeterminately sequenced" for std::sequential_execution_policy later in P0024R1. The reason I guess is "if std::sequential_execution_policy executes in sequential order, the behavior is as same as executing algorithm without using execution policy". As a result, std::sequential_execution_policy should be different, that's why it becomes indeterminately sequenced in P0024R1. Is that right? Thanks a lot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jared Hoberock I think that change was suggested by Jens Maurer. I think his concern was that "sequential order" is not really defined anywhere in the standard, while "indeterminately sequenced" is given a precise meaning elsewhere in the document. The intent wasn't to change the technical content of the parallelism TS, it was just to clarify the existing intention. 不知道這樣能不能回答你的問題
IKAFIRE: 看來跟技術沒關係,只是想要文字定義更精確? 05/19 10:28
目前看來是這樣 另一位大師表示:當初修改的確是因為這原因 所以,會改成indeterminately sequenced,只是因為當初標準沒有定義sequential order
BlazarArc: 推 05/20 11:52
IKAFIRE: 我了解了,非常感謝 05/20 16:51
※ 編輯: Caesar08 (, 05/21/2016 19:59:40