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今天CAE界的大新聞 ANSYS以7.75億美金收購LS-DYNA的原廠,LSTC 包含60%的現金與40%的股票 預計在2019年第四季完成 https://reurl.cc/Na6OVp PITTSBURGH, Sept. 11, 2019 – ANSYS (NASDAQ: ANSS), the global leader and innovator of engineering simulation software, announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC), the premier provider of explicit dynamics and other advanced finite element analysis technology. Once closed, the acquisition will empower ANSYS customers to solve a new class of engineering challenges, including developing safer automobiles, aircraft and trains while reducing or even eliminating the need for costly physical testing. The purchase price for the transaction is $775 million, of which 60% of the consideration will be paid in cash and 40% will be paid through the issuance of ANSYS common stock to the current owners of LSTC. In conjunction with the transaction, ANSYS anticipates obtaining new debt financing to fund all or a significant portion of the cash component of the purchase price. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cad_Cae/M.1568282817.A.2E1.html
jienfong: 分析怪獸真的成形了 09/12 23:47
mystage123: 合併對CAE產業有什麼影響嘛? 09/13 03:26
jienfong: 應該是每個公司的理念不同,LSTC是個特殊的公司,合併 09/13 06:49
jienfong: 後發展軟體方向不知會不會變更以致於失去原本特色? 09/13 06:49
jienfong: 值得觀察,LSTC是一間彈性極高的公司,不管是價格或開發 09/13 06:50
jienfong: 方向 09/13 06:50
shoneptt: 這對消費者沒有好處吧,原本使用lsdyna就是強大的explic 09/14 21:52
shoneptt: it code加上使用implicit code 不用額外付費,換成ansys 09/14 21:52
shoneptt: 我想價格上只會往上。對消費者而言不見的是好事。只能 09/14 21:52
shoneptt: 靜待後續發展 09/14 21:52
guteres: autodesk又更肥了 09/15 01:08
brianoj: 就 幹你娘貴爆 09/15 11:55
cwttt: 這合併剛好補ansys缺乏建模跟結構,然後可能又有四五個版 10/09 08:47
cwttt: 本的磨合期吧… 10/09 08:47
gamer: ANSYS缺建模跟結構?講反了吧。Dyna的前處理根本是悲劇 10/09 22:32
gamer: ansys收購dyna很明顯就是要它的explicit solver來跟ABAQUS 10/09 22:33
gamer: 競爭,原先想自己開發ansys explicit的計算應該是放棄了 10/09 22:34
kplpop: abaqus記得流力想用xflow來補 不過似乎還沒整合成一套 10/15 18:28
ladioshuang: ANSYS早就有一個模組是ANSYS前處理加上lsdyna求解器 10/17 10:10
ladioshuang: 所以根本沒有磨合期的問題,因為早就合很久了 10/17 10:11