看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may have to deal with some minor unexpected calamities today, Moonchild, but with each one you will land on your feet. That will mean that you will have to be in "defensive" mode, which may put you somewhat off-kilter in other areas of your life. Be careful not to be defensive or harsh with the people in your life, even though you may feel you have to be quick on your feet and ready to protect yourself and your interests. This brief phase will pass quickly, and your good mood will return. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope 今天你也許必須處理一些小小的、在預料之外的無妄之災,月之子,這每一項最終你都能 夠逢兇化吉。代表你必須把自己切換到一種「防衛模式」,但這可能會使你在生活中的其 它方面有些失衡。小心點,不要對你生活裡的其他人過度嚴苛或戒備,即使你可能覺得你 需要加快腳步,並準備好保護你自己跟你的利益。這短暫的階段會很快地過去,而你的好 心情會回歸的。 -- 如有誤譯請指正,謝謝。 今天學到了一個新的俗諺呢:land on one's feet→逢凶化吉。 --
derrick70:小時後去中鋼看的時候,電影院外面排了好幾圈..等好幾個01/20 18:29
derrick70:小時01/20 18:29
JANYUJEN:樓上沒打錯字阿,幹麼更正??01/20 19:18
#1F6JKkbV (movie) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1437579258.A.982.html
haXD: 看完好忐忑喲希望一切順利Q_Q 07/22 23:42
otld: 糟糕了 要去一個奧客那邊處理事情耶... 07/22 23:58
kitty78: 謝謝翻譯,希望能平順度過 07/23 00:49
kotorikawaii: 謝謝翻譯~ 07/23 00:52
daija: 感謝翻譯喔 07/23 07:02
Tiiii: 謝謝翻譯 07/23 22:03