看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may be feeling open and interested in a new development or opportunity in your personal life. This could be because you see your options right now as being very limited, and you may think you won't receive other chances, or that this is the best you can do. You have more choices than you realize, Moonchild. You are an elegant, honest, desirable person, and once you recognize that, those other options will begin to appear. However, don't completely discount this current chance, because it may be much better than you think. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope 你們可能會對於你們個人生活中的某樣嶄新機會或發展抱持著開放、感興趣的態度。這是 因為你們把你們現在所持有的選擇視作是十分有限的,而你們也許會覺得你們無法接收到 其他機會了,或目前這樣就是你們能做到最好的樣子了。但月之子,你們擁有的機會比你 們實際認知到的還要多。你們是個優雅、真誠且具理想的人,而一旦你們認知到這件事, 那些其他的選擇就將開始出現。然而,別完全漠視你們當前的機會,因為它可能比你們所 想的還要棒。 -- 如有誤譯請提醒,謝謝 --
derrick70:小時後去中鋼看的時候,電影院外面排了好幾圈..等好幾個01/20 18:29
derrick70:小時01/20 18:29
JANYUJEN:樓上沒打錯字阿,幹麼更正??01/20 19:18
#1F6JKkbV (movie) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1440687022.A.D19.html
otld: 愛情嗎?? 08/27 23:39
iloveaaa: 哦哦哦!!完全射中靶心,說不定真是選擇太少,勉強選合格 08/27 23:48
bhflys: 好準 08/28 00:11
Ras3435: 機會快來呀!!!(備1的煎熬 08/28 00:48
Zung0707: 加油阿 要相信自己! 08/28 13:29
ziji: 樓上好熱血阿~ 08/28 15:12
VirtualHuman: 推推 08/30 00:31