看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
astrology.com http://goo.gl/2tSGU4 Just because you have a vivid idea of what you want in life doesn't mean that you are going to get it any faster than if you were totally clueless. So if you're wondering when the rest of your life is going to begin, relax! You need to see that every moment of your life is your life, so stop focusing so much on what you want and savor what you have. There is a lot to be grateful for, and you'll have a wonderful day if you start making a list of all those things. Be happy. 對人生的藍圖有生動的想法並不代表你要在一無所知的情況下去實現它。所以當你開始思 索接下來的人生要如何開始,放輕鬆!你必須理解,你的人生由每個當下組成,不要再過 度關注你渴求的東西並好好體會現在你擁有的。有很多事物是值得感激的;如果你今天製 作一張感謝清單,將會有美好的一天呦。開心點:D astrocenter.com http://goo.gl/W4nJDR Many people conduct their lives without really making conscious decisions about their actions. People walk around like they're asleep. Don't fall into this trap, Cancer. This is a good day to dust off your thinking cap and take action. Don't let others make decisions for you. Take control of your destiny. To maintain the balance today, it's important that you swing toward the sensitive side of things. 很多人在過生活的時候,並沒有對於他們的行動做出很明確的決定。人們就像在睡夢中行 走一樣。蟹子,別落進這圈套。今天很適合清理你的思考帽並採取行動了。別讓他人為你 做決定。掌握你自己的命運。為了保持今天的平衡,傾向感性那一面去思考是很重要的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 思考帽 是由英國學家艾德華·德博諾提出的思考方法; 由六種顏色分別代表不同的思考方式 如下圖: http://imgur.com/a/l7TTZ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1469721840.A.7E0.html
daija: 感謝翻譯! 07/29 00:22
Tomaii: 超符合心境的啊!今日是最後一天上班了 07/29 01:52
rainbowsungo: 謝謝翻譯 07/29 08:24
kte: 感謝翻譯 還好我知道自己在做什麼 07/29 09:33
rexagi1988: 只好開心一點啦~ 07/29 09:35