看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A recently completed project - perhaps one that is highly creative - is now in the spotlight. In June, Moonchild, you will be faced with many options and opportunities connected to this venture, and it may seem that after a very long period of waiting, your time has finally come. Although you have not yet completely manifested all that you have envisioned for this work, you will be able to see throughout many special moments in June that you are there, and this is really happening. It may seem almost like a dream - but you are not dreaming! June will also hold good fortune for you in some other way as well, and it may be of the material variety. This could mean a higher-paying job, a monetary offer on something you own, or even a windfall you had not expected. Use this wisely and try to further your other dreams and aspirations. Romance is also in the cards for you. If your love life has been lackluster in recent weeks, you will be thrilled with the way it improves. This isn't just a closer connection with someone - this is true romance at its finest. Enjoy this time, and don't allow silly worries to ruin even a second of it. Family gatherings, home-related activities, and travel may also be a big part of the picture this month. 你最近完成的一件事—也許是非常有創意的事—現在正備受矚目。六月的時候,月之 子,你即將面臨許多選擇和機會,而這些跟某個冒險旅程有關,你似乎等了非常久, 現在終於是時候了。雖然你還沒完成所有預想的工作,但是你在六月就能看見許多特 別的時刻,這些是屬於你的時刻,別懷疑,這些都是真的。或許看起來很像是夢,可 是你不是在做夢喔!六月也會在其他方面為你帶來好運,而這可能是跟物質有關,像 是高薪的工作、賣掉一些東西、或者甚至是你沒料想到的意外之財。妥善運用這個好 運,並且試著發展其他的夢想和抱負。愛情也會在冥冥之中來到你身邊,如果你的感 情狀況在過去幾週一直不太順利,那麼你將會因為接下來的轉機而興奮不已。這不只 是跟某個人有更緊密的連結——這真的會是一段非常美好的愛情。享受這段時光吧, 並且不要讓愚蠢的擔憂毀了這一切,就算是一秒也不行。家庭時光、跟家務有關的事 情和旅行可能也是這個月的重點。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1528405498.A.75B.html
yabe5566: 聽起來很好 但真的太虛幻了 06/08 06:54
yamma630: 希望可以夢想成真 06/08 07:22
rexhaha: 希望感情是真的 06/08 07:30
Wesker93808: 愛情QQ 06/08 07:39
maple150814: 愛情...好難QQ 06/08 08:10
ftmaner: 希望是真的 蟹蟹這幾週運勢都很差 06/08 08:30
chenzzzz: 愛情好難+1…… 06/08 08:47
legendyelon: 愛情QQ 06/08 08:47
zzqq2002: 不期不待不受傷害 06/08 09:29
starwish07: 謝謝翻譯! 06/08 09:32
scoun0814: 謝謝翻譯~ 06/08 10:15
Stargazer94: 長久的等待後,終於要開花結果了嗎? 06/08 10:38
lovensr: 怎麼感覺五月也是這樣說~~QQ 06/08 11:00
su054862: 聽起來超正面 06/08 11:26
ganlinla: 可以的!不要怕!一定行! 06/08 11:52
ruoa: 愛情,不期待了 06/08 12:58
tease0623: 剛好在找工作..高薪工作...希望可以成真拜託QQ 06/08 13:18
xuanaux: 相信會成真( ‧ ω‧ ) 06/08 14:16
afathowfat: . 06/08 14:35
kitty78: 期待高薪,結果被減薪……哭死…老闆還是凌晨三點交辦事 06/08 16:20
kitty78: 情…… 06/08 16:20
ermw: 愛情,不期待就不會有傷害。 06/08 22:20
jimmy32614: 幾週不順利倒是滿準的,希望接下來的也很準! 06/08 22:42
aysoku0717: 我要順順利利的!相信一把了嗚嗚嗚 06/09 00:11
loveorangel: 太容易愚蠢的擔憂了 06/09 00:25
JOJOLINJO: http://i.imgur.com/OiC5QZq.jpg 06/09 05:30
rexhaha: 推樓上 不要騙我XD 06/09 09:11
rexagi1988: 有推有準啦 06/09 10:18
rexagi1988: 謝謝翻譯! 06/09 10:19
lovesmile07: 愛情真的不期不待不受傷害嗚嗚 不要再騙我了 06/09 10:42
kshs2224: 愛情 已經很努力在維持,都不曉得還能不能走下去...T.T 06/09 21:26
jill360: 準。正在清掉一些東西。 06/10 22:00
rexhaha: 感情真的有令人興奮的轉機欸,不到5個小時又大翻盤,還 06/13 15:11
rexhaha: 死局了 06/13 15:11