看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A melancholy mood of last week lifted, but at the beginning of this week, Moonchild, you may begin to fall into that fog again. But don't dread those moments of dreariness; spend them looking for the light in your life while thinking about ways to capitalize on your many talents and finding good in the place you now find yourself in. This kind of introspection would be good for you now because you really are on the precipice of a truly grand beginning. A chapter in your life is slowly coming to a close, and it was one that was fraught with intense emotions, dark moments, and perhaps a lack of monetary security. Even though the big changes that are coming probably won't manifest this week, you will see many things that give you cause for great hope. Focus on that instead of any sad or challenging circumstances. A family member may come to you at some point this week seeking encouragement once again. You may be tired of hearing this person lament about the problems in their life when they don't seem to do anything to change things. Try to encourage this person anyway, but make a point of doing so in a regular and consistent way. If you keep this up, you may see a big difference. The weekend may bring the complete opposite of the emotions you felt at the beginning of the week when you experience a windfall or some good news on the money front. 上週的憂鬱心境煙消雲散了,但是本週一開始,月之子,你可能會再次跌入憂鬱的迷 霧之中。不過別擔心,這並不可怕,當你現在思考該怎麼樣把自己的才華發揮到最大 值,並且看看自己現在的處境其實還是有很好的地方,也就等於看向人生的光明面。 這種省思現在對你很有用,因為你現在真的是站在遠大的開端的懸崖邊上。你的人生 的某個篇章正在緩緩地結束,而這個篇章充滿了緊繃的情緒、黑暗的時光、甚至是缺 乏財務安全感。 雖然本週即將到來的重大轉變很可能不會立刻顯現出來,但是你會看見許多事情都為 你帶來莫大的希望。某個家人也許會來找你,希望你能再給他一點鼓勵。或許你聽他 抱怨已經聽到很煩了,可是他好像沒有做出任何改變。不管怎樣,試著鼓勵他吧,要 用平常、堅定的方式鼓勵他。如果你繼續這樣做的話,也許你會看見很大的轉變。 週末可能會為你帶來跟本週剛開始完全相反的情緒,尤其是當你收穫到意外之財或是 有關財務的好消息的時候。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1531228065.A.A20.html
kl25082: 已經不知道要怎麼吐槽這個占星師了,厭世QQ 07/10 21:08
Qillathe: XD 感謝翻譯 07/10 21:39
Stargazer94: . 07/11 00:50
pacadong: 閱 07/11 00:59
cancerho: 謝謝翻譯 07/11 07:14
afathowfat: . 07/11 10:48
lavanda77: 唉 沒有一天是好的ˊˋ 07/11 13:02
omg987987: 真的這禮拜一開始就很不順,希望週末能夠好好休息。。 07/11 15:57
omg987987: 。 07/11 15:57
hegrst: 意外之財!! 07/12 01:51