看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A problem you may have to deal with this week is far less complicated than it seems on the surface. There may be a bit of an emotional whirlwind swirling around this issue, and the histrionics that accompany that are making it look worse than it is. There could be dramatic friends or family members involved, and their presence may be ratcheting up the anxiety level. So, Moonchild, instead of seeing this as a gargantuan problem, you need to look at it with a sense of humor. Study the players. Listen to what they say. But be silent and contemplate what you think is the best approach. If you make a game out of this, you can not only resolve it easily, you may even enjoy the process. An opportunity involving money could come up for you at some point this week, and it may not seem all that lucrative on the surface. However, there could be something especially interesting about this, and if you get involved even for that reason alone, you will be very pleased with the perks that come with it. By Friday, someone in your life who has been putting off a decision that involves you may finally come around with an answer that is wiser than expected. 你在本週可能必須處理某個問題,但這個問題似乎不像表面看起來那麼複雜。或許你 會因為這個問題而產生一點情緒的起伏與糾結,隨之而來的戲劇化也讓事情看起來變 得更糟了,也許有個很戲劇化的朋友或家人會參與其中,而他們的存在可能會逐漸增 加讓你焦慮的程度。因此,月之子,與其將之視為非常嚴重的問題,不如幽自己一默 吧。研究一下那些演員在幹嘛,聽聽他們在說什麼,不過要保持安靜,並且深思熟慮 最好的方式該怎麼做,那麼如果你做得好,你不只可以輕鬆解決這個問題,或許甚至 可以享受這個過程。 跟錢財有關的機會也許會在本週以某種形式呈現在你面前,這可能不像表面看起來的 那麼有利可圖。然而,其實當中蘊含了一些相當有趣的事。如果你接受了這個機會, 甚至是為了那些有趣的原因而接受,那你會因為伴隨而來的有利條件而非常滿意。 你生命中的某個人遲遲未能做出某個跟你有關的決定,週五的時候,也許你終將會得 到比你預期的還要明智的答案。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1568732288.A.64C.html
loveorangel: 週五跟我告白,快!(? 09/18 00:08
Tearjerkes: 同一樓! 09/18 00:24
zippy: 那為什麼不主動出擊告白呢? (挖鼻孔) 09/18 08:25
ziji: 一樓趕快叫你的雙魚男來看這一篇XD 09/18 13:06
maple150814: 拜託牛牛週五跟我求婚www 09/18 18:46
taurus520: 想約蟹男星期五吃飯xD 09/18 20:29
sheepmomo: 好希望週五感情有大進展QQ 09/18 22:20