看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The driving experts tell us that when your car begins to skid on ice, you should keep turning in the direction of the skid rather than in the opposite direction - even though it is counterintuitive and may seem more natural to turn out of it. That's because if you turn the wrong way, your car could fishtail, creating even more of a hazard. The same principle can be applied to a conflict in a relationship. If an argument ensues this week with someone you care about, Moonchild, try to get further into the conversation rather than veering away from it. If you try to steer clear, you may inflame the situation and make it worse. Settle this once and for all. This week may also bring you a chance to finish a project you started some time ago. There may not have been the availability of assistance or resources at the time, but everything should fall into place this week. Don't put this off because this ideal state may not last long. Someone in your world may see themselves as having expertise in some area in which you really do have expertise. Rather than disagreeing, just show what you can do and let your actions speak for themselves. 擅長開車的人跟我們說當車子開始在冰上打滑,我們應該隨著打滑的方向繼續行使, 而不是往打滑的反方向開——雖然前者的做法跟直覺相反,而且似乎更像一般人會做 的事,不過這是因為如果你往錯的方向轉彎,你的車會搖搖晃晃,甚至會產生危險。 同理可證,假設你在情感關係中跟另一半有衝突,那也是一樣的道理。如果本週你跟 某個在乎的人產生衝突,月之子,你要試著深入溝通,而不是轉頭就走。如果你試圖 避開,那你可能讓情況惡化,變得更糟。為了大局著想,這次就冷靜一下吧。 本週或許也會讓你有機會完成之前在做的事,與此同時,也許你得不到任何幫助或資 源,但是一切都會在本週明朗化的。不要拖延,因為這個理想的處理時機可能不會持 續太久。 你身邊的某個人或許會認為自己在某些領域是經驗豐富的專家,可是其實你也是。先 不要出言反駁,只要用你的行動證明你可以做得很好就對了。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1571054813.A.2CE.html
sherry8007: 謝謝翻譯 10/15 09:04
ray78994: 可惡 看到這篇太遲了 已經轉身離開說分手了... 10/15 09:10
xuanaux: 謝謝翻譯~ 10/15 10:48
ifde7444: 對方做出無法接受的事 分手了 10/15 12:12
kl25082: 退婚分手+1,對方崩潰不已XDD 10/15 12:52
loveorangel: 樓上好帥哈哈 希望有新開始 10/15 15:27
s9516152001: 說分開+1 已經被太多不能接受的對待了 10/15 22:59
stay12345: 可惡,已經離開了+1 10/15 23:06
nunubila555: 我也整個冷靜不下來啊,想離開+1受不了 10/16 10:51
chenzzzz: 用行動證明(握拳) 10/16 20:52