看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
When some people become successful and wealthy, they often feel the desire to give back by making charitable contributions. You have had some kind of success with a certain situation recently, Moonchild. And although this success may not involve money, it is still something fulfilling and it made you feel happier. Giving back does not have to involve money to be powerful and positive. If you're feeling good and you have the desire to do good because of it, find a way to donate your time and your talents to a meaningful cause which can be some charity, co-worker, or someone you can help with something. Reminding yourself how great it is to give back is an amazing feeling which is guaranteed to make you happier. 有些人成功了,有錢了,他們就會常常覺得自己有藉由做出慈善捐款來回饋社會的慾 望。你最近在某種情況下也成功了,月之子。雖然這可能不包含金錢,但這還是某種 有滿足感的東西,而且會讓你覺得更快樂。回饋不一定是跟錢有關,也不一定是因此 才能有力量、有希望。如果你現在覺得過得很好,而且你因此有了想要做好事的慾望, 那就想辦法貢獻自己的時間與才華,做一些有意義的事,這可能是慈善事業、同事、 或是用某些東西幫助某個人。要提醒自己有所回饋是多麼美好的事情與感受,而這保 證會讓你覺得更快樂。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1577014998.A.7BD.html
pyoc0621: 謝謝翻譯與分享~ 12/22 21:20
maple150814: 謝謝 12/23 14:28