看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Your experience and accrued knowledge on a particular subject may be called upon this week. While you may not feel like the expert that others see in you, dear Moonchild, you should take pride in the fact that you are so highly thought of. Don't waste time feeling insecure and underestimating what you are capable of. Just do your best, and you will prove to everyone - especially yourself - that you are stellar and blessed with an abundance of talent. Let that sink in. There may be a matter related to real estate or home that comes up this week, much to your relief and joy. Something you have been hoping to accomplish is getting closer and closer, and you are starting to see tangible signs that this is going to happen. Don't waste your energy worrying or speculating; just allow this to unfold as though you were just an observer. A matter related to your romantic life may arise this week. This may be about an existing relationship that seems to be getting better and better and where it should go from here. Or you may meet someone new, and you might be considering starting something - and if so, that would be a very good idea. 你對某件事的經驗和積累的知識也許會在本週受到重視,雖然別人認為你是專家,但 是你可能不想要這樣子的頭銜,親愛的月之子,你應該要自豪自己受到他人的高度重 視,不要浪費時間在感到不安和低估自己的能力,只要盡你所能,你就可以向每一個 人—尤其是你自己—證明你很優秀,而且註定擁有豐富的才華與天賦,並且讓大家都 逐漸了解到這個事實。 或許會有一件跟不動產或是家庭相關的事務在本週浮上檯面,會讓你大大地鬆了一口 氣,並且快樂不已。你一直期望能完成的某件事就快要完成了,而你正開始看見具體 的徵兆。不要把自己的精力浪費在擔憂或是臆測,只要讓一切順其自然,就像你是旁 觀者一樣就好了。 你的情感生活或許會在本週發生一些事,這可能是關於一段現有的感情似乎變得越來 越好了,對於未來的願景也更清楚了。或者是你也許會遇到新的對象,而你可能會慎 重考慮要開始一段感情——如果是這樣的話,那將會是非常棒的想法。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1587396168.A.9E9.html
pet625: 謝謝翻譯:) 04/20 23:31
ermw: 謝謝翻譯 04/21 01:16
yao860718: 謝謝 第一段我很需要QQ 04/21 03:34
lbuf: 謝謝翻譯 04/21 06:39
gn02332093: 謝謝分享 04/21 07:15
maple150814: 謝謝翻譯 04/21 09:44
rexagi1988: 繼續加油的一週! 04/21 11:53
sh7674sh: 希望現有感情能變好加溫~ 04/21 14:41
kejhen: 謝謝~現在的確焦慮的在等通知>< 04/21 14:45
loveorangel: 越來越好期待中 04/22 22:42