看板 Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." That vintage rhyme was uttered by many as a dreamy child while they looked at a night sky filled with stars. This week, Moonchild, whatever you wish has a much greater chance of manifesting. Your energy is extra dynamic and filled with promise, and there are admirers out there who want to see you succeed. So, reach for a dream and see it through. The last thing you may be expecting right now - especially if you are single - is a sudden rush of romantic attraction or excitement, but that's exactly what can happen for you now. Single Cancerians should find that the person they have been envisioning as a perfect match may come a bit closer, or you may meet someone this week with whom you have a very special connection. For attached Moonchildren, this may play out as an extra-special romantic rendezvous with your lover. Time and money may have seemed to be in short supply for you in recent weeks or months, or maybe even longer. But if you can take an active role in better managing your time right now, you will find that opportunities to increase your well-being and wealth will follow. 「今晚,我希望我可以,我希望我可以擁有我所想要的期望。」那個復古的兒歌韻律 透過一個愛做夢的孩子在看著滿天星斗時唱出來了。本週,月之子,不論你許下什麼 願望都很有可能實現。你的能量變得格外充沛,而且充滿了承諾,有一些欣賞你的人 想要看你成功。因此,去抓住夢想吧,並且堅持到底。 此時此刻,你最不期待的也許—尤其是如果你單身的話—是愛情的吸引力或精彩刺激 的閃戀,不過這正好是現在會為了你而發生的事。單身蟹應該會找到那個他們認為完 美的對象,或者你可能會在本週遇到一個有非常特別的連結的人。對於有伴侶的月之 子,這或許會以跟你的愛人來個格外特別的浪漫約會的形式出現。 時間與金錢在最近幾週或幾個月以來似乎都不太夠用,或者甚至是更長的時間。但是 如果你現在可以積極一點,更加妥善地運用自己的時間,你將會發現增進自己的身心 靈健康的機會便隨之而來。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1606663271.A.8AA.html
lin7478: 謝謝翻譯 11/30 00:19
loveorangel: 謝謝翻譯 那我就期待了XDDDD 11/30 01:01
imyung: 謝謝翻譯 11/30 13:00
xuanaux: 謝謝翻譯~ 11/30 13:56
mexkumako: 謝謝翻譯。天啊,我覺得自己的狀態滿符合描述的,我要 11/30 14:42
mexkumako: 變成這星座情報的忠實粉絲了。很激勵人心,我會努力實 11/30 14:42
mexkumako: 踐。 11/30 14:42
kartg0080092: 好想談戀愛喔 哈哈哈哈哈 11/30 16:10