看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 14 2015 Capricorn horoscope for Nov 14 2015 You may be asked to mediate a conflict today, Capricorn. Even though this may initially seem to be awkward or irritating, you should consider it anyway. Yes , there are a lot of potential problems that could come up in such a situation , including the complication of alienating someone you care about. However, th ere is also much to gain - not just for you but also for the people you are as ked to assist. If you remain neutral, you will be able to give a cohesive over view that will help to align all parties. Consider saying yes. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 魔魔,今天你可能被詢問去調停一場衝突。即使這一開始看起來很奇怪或是讓人覺得不愉 快,無論如何你應該考慮看看。是的,這樣的情況下,可能會帶來許多潛在的問題,像是 會疏遠某個你很在乎的人這樣的複雜情況。可是,也會同樣有許多收穫,不只在你,還在 那個你被詢問去協助的人身上。如果你維持中立,你將可以給予一個有凝聚力的觀點來幫 助調整所有的派系。考慮點頭說好吧? -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1447400794.A.262.html
kim03191230: 推~ 11/13 15:50
qaz4306: 好 (點頭 11/13 16:07
garnett05: 謝謝小蒼 11/13 17:45
stupidjiang: 好。謝謝小蒼。 11/13 19:46
Gelala: 推,維持中立 11/13 22:12
cityhunter04: 好準……… 11/14 07:34
iamkandt: 不沾鍋模式啟動 11/14 16:07