看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 17 2015 Capricorn horoscope for Nov 17 2015 People may think that you are being overly harsh or that you are looking for r easons to be picky. However, you are only relaying what you see and being cand id about it. You aren't picking on anyone, Capricorn, you are just protecting yourself, and that is your right. What you are looking at is missing a few pie ces or is based on a flimsy premise, and you have the right to speak up about it. To quiet down your critics you may want to just change your tone and say w hat you have to say in a more level, calm, and friendly way. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 人們或許認為你過份尖銳,或者你正在找藉口挑毛病。無論如何,你只是傳達自己所見並 對此坦率。魔魔,你不是挑任何人毛病,你只是在保護自己,這是你的權利。現在你所注 視的東西缺乏了某些部分,或者說建立在薄如紙片般脆弱的前提上,而你有這個權利對此 表達看法。要冷卻你的批判,你或許想就改變自己的口吻,用比較平和、冷靜、友善的方 式,說你該說的。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1447655199.A.6C2.html
garnett05: 嘴巴就是毒 11/16 14:46
stupidjiang: 唉,聽懂的沒幾個。謝謝小蒼。 11/16 15:08
Smilegirlyu: 是說我講話太尖銳嗎 11/16 16:16
vina0512: 魔羯的通病吧!太誠實,但事實總是殘酷的 11/16 17:37
ciang0102: 唉…懂了嗚嗚,但真的很難不坦(尖)率( 11/16 20:53
ciang0102: 銳)唉… 11/16 20:54
h77124: 唉……好中肯 11/16 22:00
Gelala: 推 11/17 09:43
seigaku00765: 可是太委婉很多人聽不懂耶(摳鼻 11/17 10:13