看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for May 9 2016 If you've been dealing with a wave of sadness, or a blue mood that comes and g oes, you will have to figure out the reason for it before you can move beyond it. There is something in your past - perhaps even your distant past - that is causing this melancholy. You may be longing to go back in time and change som ething, because you fear that that's the only way to fix what you are feeling. You know, of course, that you can't change the past, but in honor of what you went through and your hope for something better, you owe it to yourself (and maybe someone from your past) to have hope and optimism and make your future b righter. You can do it Capricorn. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 如果你正面對一波悲傷的情懷,或是來來去去的憂鬱情緒,你在超越它之前需要先找出原 因所在。你的過去裡曾有過什麼---甚或是非常遙遠的過去---那是導致這愁緒的原因。你 或許渴望著回到從前去改變什麼,因為你害怕那或許是唯一改正你感受的方法。當然,你 知道,自己沒有能力改變過去,但為了紀念你曾經歷的以及你為更好事物的企求,你應該 為自己(或許是為了過去的某人)心懷希望與樂觀,讓自己有更光明的未來。魔魔,你做得 到的。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1462664681.A.CCA.html
kim03191230: 推~ 05/08 09:03
kartd0087603: 推 05/08 09:08
irisee: 好準 這幾天憂鬱到不想活了呢 05/08 09:12
techo: 只能推了....T_T... 05/08 09:18
peterbono: 樓樓上,要活著喔,不然就看不到未來了 05/08 09:26
ivy122213: 推 三樓拍拍 了解那種心境 05/08 09:29
emk0112: 拍拍~活著好累!雖然如此,就算為了心愛的家人也是要撐 05/08 10:32
emk0112: 下去,希望大家和自己撐過這段低潮,事情會出現曙光的~ 05/08 10:32
emk0112: 加油!大家~ 05/08 10:32
a55826: 最近真的有憂鬱 05/08 11:18
ciballoon: 推~憂鬱+1 05/08 14:10
ph18: 會努力 05/08 17:25
Yuri0824: 最近雖到很憂鬱QQ 05/08 17:25
pluso: T____T憂鬱 05/08 20:03
rapunzelhu: 憂鬱一個禮拜了QQ一直沒有勇氣再去密喜歡的人 覺得自 05/08 20:06
rapunzelhu: 己做不到TAT 05/08 20:06
wjoew: 一定會雨過天晴的~ 05/08 20:25
giexzcvb: 對自己說加油!!要走出來!!要讓自己變的更棒!!可惡...嗚 05/08 20:28
pattyshin: 好準喔~最近在工作上悶到不行 05/08 22:19
qk33520: 推 05/08 22:25
bedark: 希望能走出煩惱,對自己更有自信一點。推!! 05/08 23:23
jolly1229: 憂鬱+1 會好好努力的! 05/09 00:02
yunshan333: blue 希望趕快過去 05/09 00:17
clsrakg: 最近真的憂鬱...要加油 05/09 01:32
sh3425346: 憂鬱 05/09 11:58
immoral: 憂鬱到爆 05/09 13:01
Elsa0119: 今天公公出殯了,也算把這幾天的情緒爆發了 05/09 13:51
hokidog: 真的好低潮 看完電影後 都不敢傳訊給喜歡的人 05/09 21:32
Gelala: 推 05/09 23:08
jolins27: 推,情在不能醒 05/10 01:59