看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 21 2016 You are an excellent conversationalist much of the time, Capricorn. You know a lot about a lot of subjects. You have a curious mind and a keen intellect, an d so you read and you research and you enjoy learning. But you aren't always s o wonderful at expressing your innermost thoughts and feelings. You can speak on many subjects, but when you look inside yourself it can be hard for you to find the right words. There is someone who would like to get to know you, and this person is very expressive. You can learn a lot about yourself through thi s individual if you stay open to that possibility. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. 大部分的時候,魔魔,你是一個絕佳的對話專家。你知道關於很多科目的很多知識。你有 一個好奇的心靈和敏銳的智力,所以你閱讀你研究,而且你喜歡學習。但是你並不總是那 麼擅長於表達你最內心的想法和感覺。你可以談論許多主題,但當你反照自己,你可能很 難找到正確的話語。有一個人想認識你,這個人非常富有表現力。你可以通過這個人學習 很多關於你自己的事,如果你保持開放的可能性。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1479632568.A.61A.html
kirby0109: 推 11/20 17:03
qk33520: 推 11/20 17:06
kim03191230: 真是準.... 11/20 17:10
ccshineshin: 推推 11/20 17:28
ivyclover: 推 11/20 17:29
killuaz: 推 11/20 17:48
roxas0113: 推 超準~ 11/20 18:14
keeptrue: 推 11/20 18:25
Zhwl8675: 這篇講得也太精闢@@我真的很不擅長表達自己的想法和感覺 11/20 18:43
Zhwl8675: 所以這個想認識我的人何時會出現?XDD我絕對open mind迎 11/20 18:44
Zhwl8675: 接他!! 11/20 18:44
sheneddie: 超準 11/20 19:10
Gelala: 推 11/20 19:47
peter1981: 推 11/20 19:53
smallcoll: 言語失能報到 11/20 20:08
piecewell: 推不擅長表達內心想法T_T 11/20 21:04
KissAJir: 已遇到! 11/20 23:41
NOTHANDSOME: 快出現~都要悶壞了 11/21 05:27
sh3425346: 希望快出現互助.. 11/21 06:39
long30214: 推 11/21 12:55
seigaku00765: 可是最近學習阻力好大(哭 11/21 20:15
apullea: 每天看這個 都超準的 11/22 11:44
z8512230: 很準 11/22 22:19