看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Wednesday Mar 14 You may be tired of investing a lot of time, energy, passion, and resources in to an effort that has not paid you back sufficiently. You may have had big pla ns at first, and you did not anticipate that it would be this tough. With your frustration level high, you might be thinking about backing out and cutting y our losses, but the stars are encouraging you to forge ahead, doing just what you have been doing. You are getting very close to a breakthrough, Capricorn. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你可能已經厭倦了投入大量時間,精力,熱情和資源於一個沒能給你足夠回報的努力中。 起初你可能有很大的計劃,但你並沒有預料到這會很艱難。隨著你的挫折程度高漲,你可 能會考慮退出並停止損失,但星星們鼓勵你開拓進取,做你正在做的事情。魔魔,你離突 破點不遠了。 - 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1520906122.A.943.html
ivyclover: 推 03/13 13:41
qk33520: 好累喔 03/13 15:32
dazzzzi: 真的好累。好想放棄...... 03/13 15:42
WTOH: 拉業績 拉不到一個人~ 03/13 16:02
hikari: 突破他吧!!!! 03/13 16:29
Sky0103: 推~ 衝一波 03/13 19:16
Gelala: 推 03/13 21:00
rambler62: 推 03/13 21:21
blj7331: 我已經不想再熱臉貼冰屁股了! 03/13 22:23
dusters: 好不想上班 卻只有上班可以讓我比較不會胡思亂想 03/13 23:30
happy188: 好累+1工作被壓榨的喘不過氣來 03/14 00:47
shiratama: 推 03/14 00:59
guji: 離突破點不遠了!大家 加油 03/14 06:09
rabbitstudio: 真的 累到厭世 03/14 07:38
jerry8148: 真的想離職...整個組都走了剩我 好累... 03/14 08:24
killuaz: 真的有點失去熱情 煩... 03/14 09:41
keeptrue: 推 03/14 10:02
d911138: 推 03/14 10:58
shinya36: 推 上班的氣氛超糟 03/14 11:43
Ambition0114: 突破Rrrrrrrrr 我不想一直陷在困境裡QQ 03/14 17:08