看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Thursday Mar 22 "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you." That o ld rhyme was designed to respond to tormentors, but it isn't really true. Some times words can hurt far more than broken bones ever could. That kind of emoti onal hurt can take a long time to heal. If someone has recently said something to you that was hurtful, Capricorn, you need to put it into perspective. Acce pt that it hurt, but recognize that it may have come from someone who is hurti ng in some way too. Reacting with kindness might soften the blow. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 「棍石可傷,笑罵無妨。」那首古韻旨在回應給予你折磨的人,但事實上那並不真是如此 。有時候,言語傷害遠遠超過破碎骨頭給予的。這種情緒傷害可能需要很長時間才能癒合 。如果有人最近向你說了一些傷害你的東西,魔魔,你需要理解這件事情。承認它使人受 到傷害,但要認識到它可能來自某個以某種方式傷人的人。善意反應可能會減輕打擊。 - 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1521611734.A.1EB.html
sunnyo: 最後第二句:來自於某個以某種方式遭受傷害的人 03/21 16:43
sunnyo: 來自於某個以某種方式也遭受到傷害的人 03/21 16:45
ivyclover: 推,也推樓上~ 03/21 18:14
Gelala: 推 03/21 21:08
peterbono: 推sunnyo 03/21 23:39
evilsura: 感謝本文與推文 03/22 14:06