看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Someone in your life may need a shoulder to cry on. But that person doesn't need just any shoulder, Capricorn - they need your shoulder! You may not want to be responsible for giving this person advice or guidance, and you may anticipate that as the result of offering comfort. However, you can still remain neutral while you encourage and calm this person down. You may even find that you do have some wise insight to offer, and it may come more naturally than you think it will. 你生命中的某個人可能需要肩膀依靠哭泣。但對方需要的不僅僅只是個肩膀,魔魔- -他們 需要的是你的肩膀!你可能不想要負這個責任,給予對方建議或引導,並且你可以 預期這結果其實是給予安慰。但是,你仍然可以 保持中立,同時鼓勵並使對方冷靜。你甚至可以 發現你確實有一些明智的見解可以提供,那可能會比你想像的還有更為自然。 我是代班的啦,好久不見 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1530359384.A.C17.html
roqu525: 嗨 ,好久不見 推推 06/30 19:59
ivyclover: 推 好久不見 06/30 20:41
sstt40217: 推 06/30 21:19
Gelala: 推 06/30 21:25
shiratama: 推 06/30 22:42
ally2007: 推 好久不見 07/01 00:39
hello841225: 推 07/01 00:52
hikari: 推,p大謝謝,a大考試也加油~ 07/01 01:40
hellohs: 推 07/01 09:50