看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Someone or some situation may have recently inspired you to be less concerned about how you are perceived, and to be more open and showing who you really are. You can be reserved at times, not always speaking your mind or expressing some of your more colorful thoughts. Whatever caused this, Capricorn, you need to tap back into it from time to time. If you do, you will get used to being freer, which will help you to be more in touch with your true self and your true purpose. Don't be afraid to shine. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 近來某個人或某個情況令你不那麼在意自己的認知,使你能更加開闊心胸,展現真實的自 己。你當然可以有自己想要有所保留的時候,不用總是抒發己見,表達你豐富多彩的想法 。無論是什麼情況讓你放下包袱,魔魔,你得一次又一次地回到這種情境中。如果你這麼 做了,你將能習慣過得更加自由,這會幫助你與真實的自我與你真正的目的連結。不要害 怕綻放光芒。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1542644283.A.4CC.html
ivyclover: 推 11/20 01:35
Gelala: 推 11/20 11:24
hikari: 推~ 11/20 13:57
Annebel: 推 11/20 17:45
hikari: 不要害怕綻放光芒 11/20 22:56