看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The best word to describe what you can probably expect this week to feel like, dear Capricorn, is "intensity". That's not necessarily a bad thing, though, because like with anything in life, it's all about how you react. If you go along with the vibe and recognize that there is great potential to this week, yet you remain calm and cool, then this can be a terrific and very productive week. There may be intensity around your relationships, your work, and with a personal goal that you are getting close to. So, remain centered and deal with whatever you encounter, because there will be opportunities in the mix. A once-stressful relationship is starting to become more enjoyable, and this week it could be exceptionally so. Do your best to listen in this relationship, and the current tone could persist. If you decide to give an estranged friend or associate a second chance this week, you should be rewarded for that faith rather quickly. You may find that there is some way to understand and forgive whatever transpired, and you will probably be glad you tried again. You might have a moral dilemma of sorts this week - likely some sort of buyer's remorse with a purchase. Don't act on impulse. Weigh things carefully. Take a break and weigh the positives against the negatives one more time before you make the final decision. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 親愛的魔魔,如果要用一個詞來代表你料想的這週會怎麼渡過,那答案或許就叫做「緊湊 」了。這不一定是壞事,正如同生命中任何事物一般,好壞取決於你看待的眼光。如果你 能進入這樣的節奏,並且認同這麼做可以發揮這星期極大的潛力,同時你也能保持冷靜自 適的態度,那麼這將成為富有生產力的絕妙一週。這種高度緊張感可能出現在你的情感關 係、工作場合、或是你將要達成的個人目標上,因此,要時刻保持專注並處理好迎面而來 的各種事務,機會就潛藏其中。 一段曾讓你備感壓力的關係即將開始變得有趣了,而且在這星期當中更是如此。盡你所能 在這時候認真投入,現在的美好就能持續下去。 這週若是你打算給曾被你疏遠的同事或朋友第二次機會,你應能更快地從這個念想中得到 回饋,你也會為自己再次嘗試而感到開心的。這週的你也可能會碰上一個有關買方後悔的 道德困境,不要一時衝動,謹慎衡量一切,在你下最後決定前先緩緩,再次估量優缺點。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1554047123.A.4F3.html
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