看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may find that things seem to be going well for you right now, Capricorn. I n fact, this may feel like your lucky day as everything falls into place for y ou. But luck has little to do with it. This is the culmination of everything y ou have worked for and believed in that is falling into place, and you and the universe have orchestrated it whether you realize it or not. So, rather than thinking of this as luck, see this as an achievement and be proud of yourself. - 魔魔,你可能會發現現在一切都蠻順利的。 事實上,這就很像天時地利人和的幸運日一樣。但其實這一切與幸運無關。 這一切是歸因於你所做的努力以及信念,而且已成定局。無論你意識到了沒,宇宙已為你 精心安排了。 所以,與其視一切為幸運,不如將之視為成就並感到自豪。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1573404209.A.2A3.html
vickielove: 哦 好感動哦 超級期待!!!!!11/11 01:32
※ 編輯: GreenDot ( 臺灣), 11/11/2019 02:19:42
yehbebe0112: 我感動到都要哭了 11/11 05:55
Gelala: 推,真的超感動的!!! 11/11 06:55
ivyclover: 推 11/11 08:23
betaku: 推 11/11 09:46
k26880132: 推 11/11 11:40
santorini94: 感動捏 11/11 13:27
keeptrue: 推 11/11 18:30