看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Someone in your world - someone who is supposed to be contributing to a joint effort - may not be appearing to be doing much of anything. Although this may seem unfair, you need to hold back from speaking up about it, Capricorn. Befor e you say anything, you need to be sure that all is as it appears. If they are n't pulling their weight, there may be a good reason for it. Or, it may be pos sible that there is work being done that you just can't see. Check it out. - 你的世界中某個應該與你共同努力並做出貢獻的某個人,可能‘看起來’並沒有做任何事 情。 魔魔,這看似很不公平,但先別急著批評。 在你說些什麼以前,確保一切是否真如你所見。 他們沒有做出貢獻,可能有什麼正當的理由的。或者他們其實做了什麼,但你沒看見,也 是有可能的。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope - 最後擺個check it out是要我怎麼翻啊。 Yo yo check it out -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1573666061.A.94A.html
betaku: 推 check it out 11/14 02:13
ivyclover: 推 11/14 02:56
superdada: 笑推 11/14 03:03
sol240: 看看那些人是不是真的有做什麼? 11/14 07:21
hellohs: 也可能其實他們完成了一些事,只是你還不知道而已(? 11/14 08:04
buechu: 有笑有推XDD 11/14 12:55
Gelala: 推 11/14 22:28