看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may find yourself feeling liberated from a relationship that has held you down, at the very beginning of the week, Capricorn. You have felt trapped in t his by obligations that you should not have had to carry, but something that i s said or done this week could set you free. Once you are free, though, don't go out unwittingly seeking the same thing all over again because it's comforti ng on some level. You are very deserving of something better. Unexpected good fortune could come to you this week in a serendipitous way. Yo u may find that a stroke of luck could hit you out of the blue at a very oppor tune moment. Revel in this and don't question its authenticity. You may have to deal with a very mundane, monotonous chore this week, and you may wish it was already over with. But when you do that, you are wishing away precious moments of your life. Instead, try to find something to learn and som ething to enjoy in the experience, and you won't dread it at all. You will fee l hopeful and enthusiastic about it instead. A welcome change could arrive at work or on the home front by the end of the w eek, clearing up something that has been perplexing. - 在本週之初,你會發現自己正從某段令你沮喪的關係中逐漸解脫,魔魔。 你本來會因為你不該承擔的義務而陷入困境,但本週你所說的或做的某些事將會令你自由 。 一旦你回歸自由,不要再追尋同樣的事物。 你完全值得更好的。 - 本週會有偶然降臨的好運,你會發現一切來的適時又適當,幾乎令你跌破眼鏡,不用質疑 它的真實性,享受就對了。 - 你可能需要處理一些異常單調的瑣事,你會希望盡快解決它。但當你這麼想的同時,也正 在讓寶貴的一切遠離你。 取而代之的是,應該試著找出其中值得學習和享受的經驗。 如此,你將不會感到畏懼與排斥,而是感到希望與熱情。 - 某個好的改變會在週末出現在工作或家庭之中,掃除一切令人困惑的事物。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope — Pray for HONG KONG. 香港加油. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1574090669.A.540.html
ccshineshin: 推 11/18 23:35
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