看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
With your resourcefulness, your innovative way of thinking, and your open mind as you approach challenges in life, you should have no problem dealing with a problem you are now facing. But first, Capricorn, you have to recognize that you do have a problem - even though it isn't a very big problem. Something has not worked out that you may keep attributing to circumstances, bad luck, or t he influence of someone else. But there may be a small problem you have overlo oked. Review that today, and you can fix it. - 憑藉你的機智,你的創新思維,還有你勇於面對挑戰的態度,要解決當前面對的困難絕非 難事。 但是首先,魔魔,你必須承認你有個小問題-就算不是什麼致命的問題。 當有事情不順遂時,你可能會歸因於時機歹歹、運氣不好,或是受到他人影響。 但你可能是忽略了自身的小問題。 去把它找出來,你可以修好它。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1574528690.A.B55.html
ivyclover: 推11/24 02:32
Gelala: 推11/24 12:50
k26880132: 推 11/24 12:54
santorini94: 有講跟沒講一樣。 11/24 18:39
我也沒辦法啊XD 總不能憑空鐵口直斷吧~
superdada: 推 11/24 19:44
※ 編輯: GreenDot ( 臺灣), 11/24/2019 22:59:07
betaku: 推 11/25 00:52