看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Have you ever seen a dog riding in a car, his head hanging out the window as t he wind flaps his ears and there is unabashed joy on his face? This week, Capr icorn, you need to find a way to capture that kind of joy in your own life. Th at may mean leaving behind an obligation that has been making you feel sad or trapped. It may also involve finding better ways to live in the moment. Let go of fears, surround yourself with the positive in your friendships and your ac tivities, and make choices that are all about happiness. Practice this a littl e bit each day, and soon enough, it will become natural to you. A great chef is inspired by imagination. Rather than following a recipe close ly, the chef may improvise and be creative in blending flavors, textures and s o on. You need to emulate that approach to a new opportunity that is coming yo ur way this week. If you go with your gut feeling each step of the way, you wi ll come up with a masterpiece. On the weekend, be sure to retreat to your cozy nest at home for some time to decompress and to enjoy a good classic film or just a night by the fire with a good book - or whatever it takes to make you feel truly serene and peaceful. That's what you need right now. - 你是否曾經看過狗狗在車上,頭伸出窗外,風吹動他的耳朵,一臉幸福洋溢? 魔魔,本週,你必須找到方法在自己的生活中捕捉這種快樂。 這可能意味著要拋下使你陷入困境的某個義務,也可能代表要找到更適合你的生活方式。 讓恐懼遠離你,讓自己圍繞在友情以及活動中,做出幸福的選擇。 每天練習一點點,很快一切便成自然。 - 一個好的廚師會受到想像力的激發。 與其一昧的遵循食譜,他反而會即興的融合各種風味。 模仿這種方法,來面對本週新的機會。 每一步都遵循自己的直覺,你將端出好的成品。 - 在週末,一定要回到自己的舒適小窩好好放鬆,看部經典的電影,或在篝火旁閱覽一本好 書,隨便什麼都好,確保自己得到真正的平靜。 這就是你所需要的。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope — 翻譯找到接班人了~ 之後會由nanooo來分享<3 謝謝大家這段時間跟我一起玩~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1574747664.A.A7D.html
pink0926: 推推,大大辛苦了 11/26 14:17
odelly: 感謝翻譯~感謝這段時間的用心~ 11/26 15:01
odelly: 而且覺得這禮拜的DH好適合我XD 11/26 15:12
WEI00000: 賀!辛苦了 11/26 17:26
sol240: 辛苦了 謝謝妳 11/26 18:00
ivyclover: 推,謝謝 11/26 20:15
kingoin: 感恩你們的付出 11/26 21:01
GHOSTDOG: 謝謝 11/26 21:49
Gelala: 推,辛苦了、謝謝! 11/26 23:45
k26880132: 推,辛苦了 11/27 00:24
sfsg: 謝謝您!每次看運勢都覺得很療癒 11/27 00:54
gshack: 辛苦您了 11/27 00:55
milkymi: 謝謝你的付出!! 11/27 01:04
superdada: 謝謝你的翻譯,也謝謝接任的翻譯,你們都好棒!!! 11/27 01:26
repression: 感謝 11/27 06:05
znling: 推,謝謝 11/27 07:04
filekidd: 謝謝你的付出 11/27 09:14
shadowfan: 謝謝你 喜歡這禮拜的運勢,完全適合宅女XD 11/27 12:24
LoseToWin: 謝謝綠點大大長久以來的翻譯,也感謝接任的nanoo大期 11/27 13:08
LoseToWin: 待未來妳與妳家魔的故事! 11/27 13:08
abstrusesoul: 辛苦了 感謝您~ 11/27 18:08
angel5230: 感恩~ 11/28 00:06
betaku: 推 辛苦了 11/28 08:49
cityhunter04: 謝謝你,辛苦了。 11/28 19:54
syforever: 很準 27面試錄取 28離職了!開心 12/03 02:28