看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you have been generous, kind, and helpful to someone in your life but they don't seem to appreciate your efforts, you have options on how to handle it. Y ou can have a direct talk and express how you feel. You can stop being generou s, kind, and helpful altogether until they realize what they have lost. Or, yo u can realize that you are generous, kind, and helpful because it feels like t he right thing to do. That last option can bring personal rewards and may even tually get you the appreciation you deserve, Capricorn. 如果你曾經對某些人是大方的,友善的, 而且也幫助過他們 但他們並沒有感謝你 你可以選擇如何對待他們 你可以直接跟他們溝通並表達你的感受 你可以對他們停止這些大方,友善,幫助 直到他們意識到失去了什麼 或者 你也可以認為你大方,友善,樂於助人 是因為這是對的事情 魔魔 最後的選擇 會帶給你一些個人的回報 最終也會讓你得到你應得的讚賞 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh —- 今天解成就任務 "一日阿信魔" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1575383617.A.86F.html
GeoGraphic: 推 12/03 22:52
ivyclover: 推 12/03 23:45
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icy9: 推註解XD 12/04 07:51
cityhunter04: 不要計較那麼多,自己會比較開心。 12/04 07:53
ciballoon: 推 12/04 09:42
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good00609: 借過的錢放水流。 以後改交有錢人當朋友 12/04 15:57