看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
There are people who might say that there is no way to say whether a work of a rt is good or bad. That's because it is considered that any work of art - any form of art - is all about what the viewer sees in it. Art evokes a moment, st irs emotion, and is very unique to each person. When you create something, if it falls in the art category, it is open to interpretation, and those who resp ond to it find something personal in it. Something you are creating now won't please everyone, Capricorn - but for those it touches, it will be magic. 有些人認為 要說出一件藝術品是好是壞是不可能的 因為任何藝術品及任何藝術形式 會跟欣賞者觀看的角度有關係 藝術喚醒這個時刻,騷動你的情感 對每個人來說都是獨一無二的 你創造一件事物時 若他屬於藝術的範疇 是可以公開議論的 那些議論的人也能因此從中找到一些東西 魔魔 你現在創造的一些東西並不能討好所有人 但是對於那些被感動到的 將會是不可思議的 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh —- 希望魔魔們可以趕快度過低潮! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1575649006.A.F3B.html
k26880132: 推 12/07 00:25
ivyclover: 推 12/07 02:07
newdaysmile: 推,感謝分享 12/07 09:38
cityhunter04: 目前還躺在谷底...... 12/07 16:36
betaku: 推 12/07 22:10