看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you find that your life has been a bit intense and the pace has been franti c in recent weeks, don't hesitate to schedule some personal time for yourself each day this week. The intensity is definitely winding down, but you may have to help it out by knowing just how much you can reasonably take on. You have a tendency to take on a lot because of your ambitious nature, Caprico rn, but sometimes your plate is so full that it takes a major juggling act jus t to keep everything going. So, the key to reducing stress for you this week w ill be knowing when to say no - and then saying no. You may also have the chance this week to get away from it all with a drive th rough the country, an excursion to a favorite spot, or to a social event where you can kick back and forget about all of your obligations. You may be tempted to make a promise this week to get something you want relat ed to a career or money-related opportunity, but if keeping that promise will be a struggle, you may want to think twice.There could be a much easier way to get what you want that does not involve making promises to someone else. You may find yourself feeling a bit day-dreamy toward the end of the week, but being the driven person that you are, you may shrug this off. However, indulg ing in a daydream when the mood strikes could lead to some productive goal-pla nning, so go for it. 如果你覺得你這幾週的生活有點緊張 生活步調也打亂了 不要猶豫在這週每天替自己安排點私人的時間 緊張的感覺就會舒緩下來 但你要透過學著知道自己能承受多少壓力 協助來排解他們 魔魔 因為你天生的企圖心 你會傾向去承擔太多 你的事情排得太滿 導致你要同時處理很多事情 才能讓他們順利進行 所以這週對你來說 減緩壓力的關鍵在於要懂得什麼時候說不 然後說了就對了! 本週 你也有可能開車出外旅行擺脫這一切 去喜歡的景點 參加一些社交活動 都能讓你能稍微放鬆跟忘卻這些責任 這週你可能會想要對一些 跟工作或是金錢有關的機會做承諾 但要遵守這個承諾會是困難的 你需要再多加考慮一下 可能會有另一種更輕鬆的方法 來得到你想要的東西 而且不需要答應其他人 這個周末 你可能會覺得自己有點在做白日夢 不過身為主導者你可以不用理會 心情激動的時候讓自己享受在幻想之中 可以激發出一些有效果的的計畫 所以就做吧~ Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh —- 本週中心德目 老子(老娘)就是不要! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1577087393.A.111.html
yyy5040ccc: 推 12/23 17:03
haekwang: 推 老娘就是不要XDDD 12/23 17:21
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 12/23 20:10
llgod: 推,平常按常理作的規劃,臨時換不實際的想法反而順利 12/23 23:57
ciballoon: 推 12/24 09:46