看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Just because someone has a role of authority or a position of power, does not mean that you can trust them to know what they are doing or to be judicious in their dealings. You may have questions and doubts now about what someone with power or authority is asking you to do, Capricorn. Don't feel bad about quest ioning what someone in authority position is asking you to do. Don't just assu me that they must be right and know what they are doing and therefore if you d isagree you must be wrong. Don't ever be afraid to question anything if it doe sn't feel right. Let your inner voice speak up. Even if it turns out that you were uninformed and the decisions made were right, you still have the right to question and to know. 只是因為某些人是有權威的角色 或是在有權力的位置 不代表你可以相信他們知道他們在做什麼 和相信他們在交易的時候會是明智的 魔魔 你現在可能一些疑問跟遲疑 關於某些權威或是有權力的人要求你做的事 不要覺得對那些權位者提出問題是不好的 不要假設他們是對的 以及他們知道自己在做什麼 然後如果你不同意你就是錯的 不要怕去質疑任何事情 如果你感覺有點不太對勁 讓你內心的聲音發聲 儘管結果你可能是錯的 而且決定是對的 你仍然有權利提出疑問跟了解 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1583225300.A.287.html
pink0926: 推一個,辛苦了 03/03 17:06
tim8017: 推個 03/03 17:19
garyhucc: 推 03/03 17:55
ivyclover: 推 03/03 22:38
k26880132: 推 03/04 00:41