看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In a way, Capricorn, you have been in hibernation mode. You may have been over worked and overwrought for too long of a period of time, and you just needed t o escape and get away from worries and stress. Even if you did not literally g o anywhere, you have been much less reachable than usual. This week, though, y ou may be emerging back into the light and drama of the world that surrounds y ou, and that's a good thing because you are ready. Your week may start off wit h a bang with new business and new opportunities to look forward to. A chance to partner up with someone you respect and admire could come to you, and it ma y involve a venture that could, in time, earn you either a lot of money, a lot of prestige, or maybe both. If this opportunity looks good - go for it. This is also a great week to evaluate your long-term goals and to weed out those th ings that are no longer as relevant to you as they once were. That will allow you to have more time and resources to devote to the things that are most mean ingful to you. Someone that you thought had all the answers with a particular quest of yours does not have all the answers after all - and that may come to light this week. Even though that may be a disappointment at first, it is va luable to know since a negative result is also a result, and you can now look in another direction for the guidance you need. 魔魔 某種程度來說 你一直處於休眠模式 你可能已經長時間的過度工作及過度疲勞 你只需要逃避及擺脫這先擔心跟壓力 即使你沒有實際的去任何地方 但還是比平常還要難找到你 但是這週 你可能會重新回到包圍你的光亮與戲劇的世界 而這是好的 因為你已經準備好了 你的這一週可能會使於突然出現的新業務 和期待已久的新機會 有機會和你尊敬賞識的人一起合作 這也可能涉及一個投機活動 在這個時候 會讓你贏得很多財富或是名聲 也有可能兩者都有 如果這個機會看起來是很好的 就去吧 這週也是很棒的一週 來評估你的長期計劃 以及清除一些不再與你相關的事情 這樣可以讓你更多的時間跟資源 專注在對你來說最有意義的事情上面 某個你認為他對於你追求的問題探索會有所有的答案 他終究是沒有的 而且這周即將會揭曉 儘管在一開始可能會令人失望 去知道是價值的 因為否定結果也是一個結果 而現在你可以往另一個方向 去尋找你需要的引導 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1589191391.A.FBC.html
mieki: 謝謝分享 05/11 23:10
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 05/11 23:31
k26880132: 推 05/12 01:18