看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Your energy is a bit frenetic this week, Capricorn, making you somewhat more i mpulsive than you would be ordinarily. Keep that in mind as you make decisions and other choices this week, and be more restrained as you do - so that you d on't make avoidable mistakes. You should find that a calming vibration comes t o you fairly early in the week, which will help you get your bearings again an d make you feel calmer and more rational. You may find yourself experiencing m ore vivid dreams than usual this week. This can have a few explanations. You m ay be working out stressful situations while you sleep, but you may also be re ceiving messages that include an answer to the knowledge you are seeking, so p ay attention and write down whatever comes to mind so that you can analyze it later on. A sudden and unexpected change in a business or money matter may tak e you by surprise, but ultimately it will work out. Don't waste your time ling ering over this and worrying. Someone's sharing of a secret may bring out your compassionate side this week. What you learn this week may give insight that causes you to understand someone's unusual actions. 魔魔 這週你的精力有點狂熱 會讓你比平常還要衝動 在這週你要做決定跟選擇的時候 請記住這一點 當你在執行的時候 也要多約束自己一點 這樣你就不會犯下可避免的錯誤 這週一開始 你會發現有沈靜的感覺 可以幫助你知道自己的方向 讓你感到更平靜跟理性 你也會發現這週會經歷比平常更鮮明的夢境 這可以有一些解釋 你可能在睡覺時處理一些壓力大的情況 但也有可能是你接受到一些訊息 是你正在尋求知識的答案 所以要多加留意竟且可以寫下任何心得 以利之後可以分析 工作上或是財務上突然而出乎意料的變化 會讓你很驚訝 但最後他會解決的 不需要浪費時間消磨在這上面或是太擔心 某個跟你分享祕密的人 會在本週激起你的同情心 你在這週所學到的可以帶給你一些洞察力 使你更理解某些人不尋常的行為 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1589883675.A.0C7.html
ivyclover: 推 05/20 00:03
gaiaesque: 05/20 03:09