看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You like being efficient, Capricorn. You are not one to waste resources. It is a part of your nature. But at times, you are also emotionally "efficient." Yo u don't allow yourself the full joy of a situation that is overflowing with jo y. You don't always allow your emotional "cup" to run over. While this may not seem significant to you, that may be because you don't know another way of be ing. An upcoming announce or positive news that is headed your way will be wor th celebrating. Allow yourself to truly dive into feelings of wonder and joy. Experiencing that joy will be like a glass of chilling bubbly champagne on a h ot lazy afternoon for the soul. 魔魔 你喜歡高效率的 你不是浪費資源的人 這是你天性的一部分 但有時 你在情感上也會是"高效率" 在充滿歡樂的情況下 你不允許自己充滿歡樂 你總是不讓你的情緒滿溢 儘管這對你來說不是很有意義 可能是因為你不知道另一種存在的方式 朝你這邊即將到來的公告跟消息 將會是值得慶祝的 讓自己陷在驚奇跟快樂的感覺裡 體驗這個愉悅就像是 在一個慵懶的午後 為靈魂喝了一杯充滿泡泡的香檳 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1589946410.A.134.html
joon: 推最後的比喻好可愛XDD 05/20 12:48
ivyclover: 推 05/20 18:17
iris8418: 推 05/20 18:31
mieki: 推 05/21 02:09