看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may wish to convince someone that something you want them to partner in can't possibly go wrong. You want them to believe that this will be a simple push forward to reach a big aspiration. You may have rehearsed this speech so many times in your head that you are beginning to believe it, dear Capricorn. But deep down, you know it might be more complicated than that. You can succeed, but you need to be realistic in what you express to a hopeful partner. Given the potential, this will still be an incredibly desirable option. 你可能正試著說服某個人,跟你同夥做某件事不太可能出錯。 你希望他們相信,這只是為了更遠大的抱負所前進的一小步。 親愛的魔魔, 你可能已經在腦內預演了幾百次演說,而且你甚至開始相信了, 但實際上,你知道事情比你想像的複雜得多。 你可以成功的,但在展現給你的夥伴時你必須實際點。 基於潛力,這依然會是一個有吸引力的選項。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh ---- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1602944658.A.11E.html
ivyclover: 推 10/17 23:28
whitney1222: 推推~ 10/18 00:30