看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Oct 25 2020 Music is used in movie soundtracks to create certain feelings among the audience members. The music is calm and melodic to create a sense of ease, or it climbs to a crescendo to express when something big is about to be revealed. Music can be a good tool for you now to guide your moods in the right direction. If you are having trouble thinking positive or remaining calm, try using music or some other influential medium to help guide you to a place of calm and comfort. There is always a way to get your feelings back on track, Capricorn. 原聲帶裡的配樂會塑造觀眾的某些感受, 沉著和諧的旋律會製造療癒的感覺, 或像是當大事披露前的高潮。 音樂對此刻的你來說是個好工具, 可以帶你的心情走向正確的方向。 如果你現在沒辦法正向思考或是保持冷靜, 試著用音樂或其他媒介帶領你走向舒服平靜的地方。 魔魔,總會有辦法讓你回到正軌的。 Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope ---- 放點爵士樂 再選個喜歡的精油 覺得好PEACE -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1603548772.A.991.html
super0917: QQ讓我回到正軌 拜託 10/24 23:54
whitney1222: 推~還在尋找正軌的方向~最近有種可以慢慢找的感覺啊~ 10/25 00:05
hsuanM: 我也是:)即使曾經把路走歪,現在正在慢慢走回正軌 10/25 00:29
xiaomai112: 推推 10/25 10:31
dallas0939: 被裁員失業兩個月找不到工作.. 10/25 11:21
dearpi: 拜託趕快回到正軌 我快撐不住了 10/25 12:13
keeptrue: 推 10/25 21:10
ivyclover: 推 10/26 10:15