看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Oct 27 2020 You are always very driven to get what you want, but this mostly applies to your work or business life, Capricorn. You can be so laser-focused on your goals that you don't give up until the thing you envisioned materializes. But with some of your personal goals, you are not quite as tenacious. If there is something that is deeply meaningful to you personally, but you haven't pursued it as much as you could, start thinking of it more like a business goal. Apply your career skills to your personal life, and don't give up because you can achieve it. 為了得到你想要的,你總會驅使自己, 但似乎大部分適用在你的工作或商務往來啊,魔魔。 你可以精準的鎖定你的目標, 在具體達成之前你不會放棄。 但對於你個人的目標, 似乎就沒有那麼堅持了呢。 如果某件事對你深具意義, 但你並沒有盡力追求, 那麼開始把它當成一個工作目標吧。 將工作上的技巧應用到你的個人生活, 別放棄,因為你可以達成的! Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope ---- 難怪人家說魔羯很多工作狂不是說假的(?) 但工作上火力全開後回家只想軟爛 (攤 好啦我試著公私不分一下好了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1603720939.A.9E3.html
whitney1222: 推~回家完全變身沙發馬鈴薯~軟爛到極點的那種 10/27 00:40
ivyclover: 推 10/27 03:03
yenyenhong: 推~回家真的能多懶有多懶 10/27 08:31
B200CDI: 沒錯,回到家就變一灘泥 10/27 08:36
xiaomai112: 推XDD 10/27 09:56
k26880132: 推 10/27 12:56
icechip: 回到家就是一攤無誤 10/27 14:43
icechip: 但在家需要工作時又會變回固體了 10/27 14:44
keeptrue: 推 10/27 22:27