看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 26 2020 No one could ever accuse you of being an underachiever, Capricorn. You have probably been a no-nonsense go-getter from a very early age. And when you want something, you don't just aim high - you create an efficient plan that will see you through from the beginning to the end of your mission. But you may have been somewhat lackadaisical about a goal you have that someone else wants for you. Could it be that you don't want it as much for yourself? If you're pursuing it for the wrong reasons - such as to please someone else - it might be time to review whether it's worthy of your efforts. 魔魔,沒有人可以指責你是個低成就的人。 你可能從小就是個實際的拼命三郎。 如果你想要某樣東西,你不是好高騖遠, 而是制定一個高效的計畫讓你從頭至尾都能順利達成你的任務。 但如果是別人希望你擁有的東西, 你可能對目標就懶洋洋的了。 是不是因為你本身並沒有這麼渴望呢? 如果你因為錯誤的原因(例如為了取悅別人)而在追求某樣事物, 那或許是時候評估是不是值得你努力了。 -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope 才不要取悅誰嘞(鬼臉 自己開心最重要! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1606313724.A.484.html
whitney1222: 推 11/26 01:26
aogoco: 最近工作的無力感日漸上升 11/26 04:36
garyhucc: 推。平安順利 11/26 05:34
chuchu512: 是阿,已經不需要追求什麼了 11/26 06:51
Leon711588: 如果是為了取悅自己而在追求某事物還要評估嗎? 11/26 14:02
lydia85753: 推 11/26 14:22
z8512230: 好 11/26 17:18
s0322008: 推,取悅自己咖實在 11/26 17:31
sluttysayage: 推 11/27 07:38
asjimmy: 取悅自己,現在的確就只是這樣為了自己活著 11/27 19:39
k26880132: 推 11/29 08:21