看板 Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 30 - Dec 6 2020 You have a strong work ethic, Capricorn, but it could be tested this week. You are always willing to buckle down to get a job done, even if you are experiencing fatigue or anything else that could drag you down. But this week, you may have a strong difference of opinion with someone you are working with that proceeding forward might not seem like an option. Even so, you can talk yourself out of it, and you probably will. Don't allow someone else's bad behavior to have a negative effect on who you are. Warmth and affection should be hallmarks of this week for you with a mate or other special people in your life sharing how much they care for you. Soak it all up and keep it in stock for those times when you are feeling ignored or alone. You are always cherished, and you need to know that. This is a great week for making big purchases that you have put off, perhaps because of either their higher cost or because you haven't had time to do the research you know you should do. You may find that expertise will become available to you now if you seek it out, or at least let it be known that you are going through this process. 魔魔,你有強烈的工作道德,但這周可能會有個試煉。 即使你感到疲累或是任何會拖累你的事, 你總會努力完成工作。 但這週,你和你的同事會有強烈不同的意見, 並且似乎沒能在工作上有任何進展。 即便如此,你會對自己說別想它,而你或許真的會不想它。 別讓某些人的壞表現對你造成負面的影響。 本週的指標是溫暖和愛, 你的伴侶或生命中特別的人分享他們多麼在乎你。 好好吸收這些愛並存起來, 留給那些當你感受到被忽略或是寂寞的時候。 要瞭解到,你是被珍視著的。 本週是個適合進行大採買的好時機, 或許是因為他們很高單價或是因為你還沒有足夠時間做些研究。 你可能會找到某項專長, 或至少讓人知道你正在經歷這個過程。 -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1606658009.A.2EB.html
Ganesha429: 推~謝謝! 11/30 00:30
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 11/30 01:33
jwency0105: 推~ 11/30 12:16
whitney1222: 推 11/30 20:12