看板 CareerLady 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我是一枚小小拆帳員 在內湖港墘站附近的新創科技公司上班已4個多月了 學歷是三峽大學冷門科系畢業 法律系肄業 法研所肄業 進修法律系肄業 (1個BA 3個law school - dropped out ) 我來講述有關面試方法, 講講我的好了 通常面試的話, 由於我面試的是國貿業務國外業務等等 我都會有英文面試, 以下是英文面試的過程: Q: Please introduce yourself. My name is Zoe. I graduate from national xx university with the B.A. of public administration. After graduation, I was interested in studying law; therefore I passed the transfer exam to be a college student whose major is law and then I passed the graduate school exam to be a criminal-law-major student at law school. My first job is in dental equipment company. I dealt with the daily routines for instance greeting with the customers from overseas and try to make the memorandum of the meetings. (省略) Q: Why don't you pursue the law career? My family doesn't like me to study law. Therefore, I paid the tuition of law school and after that, I was running out of my money. And I was dropped out from law school. Q: What's your frustration and how do you tackle down it? I felt most frustrated at the moment that my customer from UK told me: "I don't mind you." Even I had done a lot of contribution to his product's development, I was still looked down upon. That's my most frustrated moment. When I feel sad, I will go to mountain hiking and have some sightseeing. Soemtimes, I will write down the dairies. Q: What's your most successful achievement? I successfully developed the big customer from UK, Holland and Germany. Q: Do you have any quesiton? What's about the company's future path and plan? Do you have any plan to go to stock? Will you build a factory in South East? Does this job need to have business trips very often? 今天xx科技的財務長CFO Joseph放特休了~ 恭喜財務長 好好放假 Have fun~ **love** 您吃飽了嗎? "今天您午休了嗎?" Happy Hump Day! (小週末愉快) ~*板上生生世世*~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CareerLady/M.1548824230.A.03F.html
camus5817: 自D01/30 13:10
girlonfire: 冷門科系是什麼系01/30 13:42
dosandonts: 自D01/30 14:08
dosandonts: 冷門科技是政治系01/30 14:09
chris920309: 中姊姊!!!!!! 何時公開追男仔被吉的密技?!?!?!01/30 14:47
dosandonts: 克里斯我請您吃飯01/30 14:57
yourwing: 公行系?01/30 21:05
onniezzhang: 中姊姊 你是我的偶像01/30 21:18
mzmzz: 你只要開班教授如何面試就夠了01/31 01:08
dosandonts: 嗯阿公行系01/31 07:05
dosandonts: onnie不是啦 不要亂講01/31 07:05
dosandonts: mzmzz 我沒有這個能耐01/31 07:06
※ 編輯: dosandonts (, 01/31/2019 07:06:47
dosandonts: 雖然面試會上但薪水都很低呀 01/31 07:07
moonforestia: 哪有很低 現在不是40幾k嗎qq 01/31 16:00
dosandonts: 30幾K 01/31 20:26
kenzoamour: 你比較適合去當講師 教大家怎麼面試 02/01 22:11
Sofast: 好厲害 02/02 00:13
panhoho: 真不錯 02/03 20:29
judyaaa: 坦白說中姐姐真的很厲害,以英文面試來說 02/06 19:36
glitter41: 是中姊姊!想跟你學英文面試 02/12 09:09
YAMABUTA: 其實中姐姐超棒的,加油 02/13 09:12
bsmile602: 推自我經驗分享 太久沒求職了對於面試很焦慮 這方面的 02/25 19:53
bsmile602: 資訊很需要啊啊啊 02/25 19:53
bread10x: 北大公行欸 真厲害 02/28 19:13