看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填):ESPN http://goo.gl/DHqxYA 作者:Chris Forsberg Jae Crowder on inconsistent C's: 'We gotta build our identity' ORLANDO -- Boston Celtics coach Brad Stevens urged his team before the season to embrace the idea that its depth could be its greatest weapon. But two months after Boston players convened for the start of training camp, the Celtics' lack of roster separation has led to mix-and-match rotations and inconsistent play that has left some players wondering if Stevens must designate a firmer rotation. 青賽的帥哥教練在季前試圖說服大家球隊的板凳深度是最大的優勢,但在訓練營開始之後 兩個月的現在,青賽在球員輪替上的不穩定,讓某些隊員思考是否教練該固定輪替方案。 After the Celtics' roller coaster endured another dive during Sunday's 110-91 loss to the Orlando Magic at the Amway Center, swingman Jae Crowder expressed frustration at the up-and-down nature of the 2015-16 season. 青賽本季走來如雲霄飛車起伏不定,最近的低點是星期天以110比91輸給魔術隊, Jae Crowder在賽後對本季球隊起伏表達他的挫折感 "We haven’t built our identity yet as a unit," Crowder said. "Coaching staff hasn’t figured it out yet. We don’t have set rotations. A lot of guys don’ t know where we’re going to play or what time we’re going to play. It’s affecting us a little bit. We’ve got to figure it out as a unit, figure it out as a coaching staff. We gotta build our identity in who we want to be. We ’re a month into the season and we haven’t figured it out." 「我們整體還未建立起球隊特質,教練組也還沒找到。我們還沒建立固定輪替, 很多人不知道何時上場、打什麼位置,這都會影響我們,我們必須一起尋求答案。我們必 須達到共識並塑造球隊特質。已經開季一個月了而這還沒達成。」 The Celtics have been a Jekyll-and-Hyde bunch over the first month of the season but have rarely been anything in between. Boston's nine wins have been by an average of 17.7 points, while its eight losses have been by an average of 11 points. Boston followed a 33-point shellacking over Washington on Friday night by getting outhustled in a 19-point loss to Orlando. 青賽在開季第一個月的表現一直在天平的兩端擺盪。九場勝利平均勝分是17.7分,而在輸 掉的比賽中平均比對手少得11分。在對上巫師隊時青賽贏了33分,下一場卻輸給魔術隊 19分。 "That’s the most frustrating part about this loss: played good at home Friday night and, come in here, trying to gain momentum into a tough road trip, and we didn’t do that," Crowder said. 「這正是最挫折的部份:在禮拜五主場贏得漂亮勝利,來到奧蘭多想要在客場連戰中取得 好開始、建立連勝氣勢,我們卻沒能做到。」Crowder說。 A far more athletic Magic squad outworked Boston on Sunday. Orlando lived in the paint (52 points on 26-of-39 shooting) and generated 26 second-chance points. For the first 40 minutes of the game, Orlando barely sniffed the charity stripe but shot 48.4 percent from the floor and pushed its lead as high as 21 as Boston's typically stout defense endured noticeable lapses. 魔術隊表現的比青賽有活力的多。魔術隊在禁區取得優勢(39投26中得到52分),且 把握二次得分的機會拿到26分,在比賽的前40分鐘,魔術隊幾乎沒站上罰球線,但他們 有48.4%的命中率,一度領先達到21分,讓青賽引以為傲的防守顯得毫無招架之力。 "To be honest, [consistency is] a mindset," said Avery Bradley, the longest-tenured player in Boston's locker room. "You can't teach that. You just have to go out there and have that mindset and do that because you’re not always going to make shots, and you’re not always going to get stops. But if you go out there and you give 100 percent and play as hard as you can, good things are going to happen. "We have to have that mindset as a young team because we can’t let our offense dictate our defense, and that's what we do a lot of the time. That's usually when we lose games." 「老實講,穩定性比較關乎心裡層面,」隊上待最久的Avery Bradley表示,「這教不 來,你必須走上場打球做好心裡建設、展現出態度,你不可能一直進球也不可能一直被擋 下。但只要你上場付出百分百的努力,好事總會發生。」 「我們要有那樣的心裡準備,身為年輕的隊伍,我們不能讓進攻影響我們的防守,這件事 常常發生,尤其是輸球的時候。」 So far, the Celtics seem to become frustrated when they fall behind early. Missed shots and sloppy play, such as the six first-quarter turnovers that led to 11 Orlando points Sunday, leave the team digging out of early holes, and Boston simply hasn't been good while playing from behind. 目前看來,青賽在開場早早落後時總顯得打不好,沒進球、和失誤過多的play,像是對上 魔術隊的第一節6個失誤奉送11分等等,早早讓球隊陷入麻煩,而在落後情形下青賽追趕 的力道也顯得不足。 Injuries haven't helped as the Celtics are playing without starting guard Marcus Smart, but neither has the fact that Stevens must often search for sparks because players haven't delivered consistent performances. 青賽先發後衛Marcus Smart的傷病也在拖著球隊後腿,在球員們還沒拿出穩定表現之前 帥哥教練總是得在場上尋找今日的亮點。 Could Boston's depth be more of a curse than a blessing? 青賽隊的陣容深度會不會成為夢靨而非恩賜? "It’s a strength and it could be a weakness, just because Coach knows we have a lot of guys and he wants to give everybody an opportunity," Isaiah Thomas said. "Which you should, but at the same time, when it’s winning time, put your best five out there. Not putting anything toward Coach. He’s doing a great job. Just as players, we’ve got to separate ourselves. You’ve got to play well. And, until then, the minutes are probably going to be like they are because he’s trying to find the best player to play at that particular time. 「這是優勢也可能是個缺點,因為教練知道我們有很多能打的人,希望人人都能上場發 揮,但這個時間點是必須拿到勝利的時刻,得擺上最好的五個人。我不是在質疑教練,他 做得很好。但身為球員我們必須作出分別,直到現在,教練似乎還在尋找關鍵時刻該擺在 場上的五個人。」Isaiah Thomas表示。 "[The rotation] could be a problem. You could say that," Thomas said. "But at the end of the day, as a team, we have to figure it out. We have to somehow learn to play the same way each and every night, no matter if shots are falling or not. 「輪替可能是問題癥結,但作為球隊整體,我們終須找出最好的組合。我們要學習每晚 拿出一樣的表現,不管那天的手感如何。」 "I think that’s our biggest problem right now: We’ll play like we did against Washington and then come and play like we did against [Orlando]. You’ ve got to give credit to the Orlando Magic. They’re a good team and they played a good game. But it’s just, we were a step slow to everything -- loose balls, offensive rebounds -- and that’s not us. If we want to be a good team, we have to be on top of that each and every night. But rotations, you can say that because inconsistent minutes give you inconsistent playing. But you’ve got to make it tough on the coaches to not take you out of the game." 「我想起伏不定就是我們現在最大的問題,我們可能打得像對上巫師隊那樣,然後接下來 卻打得像對上魔術隊這樣,你必須稱讚魔術隊,他們打出一場好比賽。而我們打得不夠積 極,如果我們要成為好球隊就必須每天晚上做好每件事。至於輪替,你可以說不穩定的上 場時間讓表現不穩,但你必須表現的夠好讓教練留你在場上。] When Boston struggles, Stevens sometimes has tightened his rotations and eliminated some of the lineup guesswork. Would Boston players prefer if the coaching staff simply decided who would play if players can't separate themselves? 當青賽打得掙扎的時候,帥哥教練有時會限縮輪替陣容不做其他嘗試。 球員們會寧願教練這麼做嗎? "Of course you want that. We all want that," Crowder said. "At the same time, [the coaching staff is] trying to figure out as well and so we’ve got to be patient with those guys. We’ll try to figure it out soon because these games are coming fast, we all know, and we don’t want to get too far behind. We’ re trying to figure it out as a unit, not just [the coaches]. As players, when we’re in there, we have to take care of our business whenever you get thrown into the fire, whoever it may be. 「當然,我們都想這麼做,」Crowder說:「在此同時教練也在做嘗試,我們必須有耐心 ,我們會很快找到答案的,比賽一場接一場來得很快,我們不想落後太多,我們會與教練 一起找到解答。作為球員,不管何時上場,在場上就得做好自己的工作,不管你是誰。」 "We'll stay at it." 「我們等著看吧!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1448893235.A.C23.html ※ 編輯: albertkingdo (, 11/30/2015 22:21:17
dixongossip : 不用擔心太多,反正沒有一個人是先發的料... 11/30 22:28
TT123 : 這陣容要是固定輪替能打的話,CBS早就固定了... 11/30 22:36
piercepaul : 只有AB講的深得我心 11/30 22:39
piercepaul : 陣容輪替穩定的前提是球員本身也穩定,尻德跟IT有 11/30 22:44
piercepaul : 沒有先想過陣上誰是一直很穩定的? 11/30 22:45
kitagawa0822: 要進化成超賽了 加油~~ 11/30 22:46
BrandonMai : 加油吧 11/30 22:53
chernalbert : 加油!不過真的沒有誰是絕對先發啊 11/30 22:54
gaiaesque : 加油.. 11/30 22:55
mog044 : 對啊IT尻德還有ET你們都不算年輕人了 11/30 23:02
mog044 : 尻德就算了他才剛上先發 IT打法就是跪求擺板凳啊 11/30 23:02
mog044 : 當隊上最穩定的two way player是AB這球隊當然有問題 11/30 23:03
narniaplus : 看完感覺就是少個SUPERSTAR, 沒辦法以他為核心建立 12/01 00:26
narniaplus : 球隊阿! 12/01 00:28
NLchu : Nononononono....CBS是很掙扎沒錯,但要輪替的問題 12/01 00:36
NLchu : 絕對要算在安吉頭上,他最近根本神隱TMD 12/01 00:37
NLchu : 他根本就是坐在辦公桌,然後想著"OK,等到明星賽再 12/01 00:37
NLchu : 開始工作,然後就像去年那樣噹噹~~四位新童鞋" 12/01 00:38
c87873334 : 要有穩定的輪替的前提是要先有穩定的表現啊 12/01 00:50
huangbaker : 第一步先處理KO這不三不四不五的傢伙吧 12/01 04:49
a22197459 : 問題是KO應該沒人要吧… 12/01 06:38
mikazeray : 青賽現在實力真的是很謎= = 12/04 19:21