看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填): http://goo.gl/h3YIvA 作者: Jeff Clark Kelly傷停兩周,不需手術,加上即將被買斷的D. Lee,Mickey的春天即將到來? ------ 新聞出處(必填): http://goo.gl/kZj511 作者: Chris Forsberg Jae Crowder says: "We're one superstar" 這篇是交易截止前的報導,想想JC這樣講實在很窩心就把文章內有對話的部分節錄過來 SALT LAKE CITY -- On the eve of the NBA's trade deadline, as the Boston Celtics reconvened for practice on the University of Utah's campus, Jae Crowder was asked if the team needed another star to be a true contender. "We just had an All-Star," said Crowder, motioning to Isaiah Thomas seated nearby. "So I don’t know what other superstar you want. But there’s a lot of talk about we need a superstar and stuff like that. But all five guys on the court are so locked in and so engaged that we’re one superstar. We all play together. It’s a scary thing when a team don’t know who to match up to, whose night it’s going to be on the offensive end. And, defensively, we all fight together and play together. It’s a scary approach." 明星賽後,在猶他大學體育館裡進行團隊練習的JC接受採訪,詢問球隊是否另一個明星 來成為真正的競爭者;JC說:「我們才剛有了一位全明星球員(IT就坐在附近),所以我 不知道你指的另一位明星是誰,有很多的言論談到我們需要另一位超級球星甚麼的,但 當場上的五位球員都全神貫注並肩奮鬥時,我們就是一個超級球星;我們在進攻及防守 端都共同作戰,當對手在球場上不知道該面對哪一個人時我們是非常駭人的。」 "We’ve shown we can play with anybody," Crowder said. "We’ve got to tighten up a few things here and there on the defensive end, get back to where we were. ... But if we can continue to score and we guard like we know how to guard, we can play with anybody. And we can do some damage in the playoffs. So that’s what we feel like we can do." Turner added, "We’ll be fine [if there are no moves]. We want to battle for home-court advantage and that’s it. Basketball is about runs, and when we play the right way, we give ourselves an opportunity to win. Playoffs for sure and the biggest thing is home-court advantage." 「我們可以面對任何人」JC說「我們仍必須在防守端加強一些地方,回到我們該有的高度 上......如果我們能夠持續得分並防守得像是個菁英一樣,我們就能對抗任何人,這樣我 們就能在季後賽時造成威脅,這就我相信我們能做到的。」 ET補充說:「我們沒問題的(如果沒做交易的話),球隊希望能夠爭取主場優勢,就這樣, 籃球是一個堅持的運動,當我們用正確的方式打球時,就能給予自己贏球的機會,(之後) 還是要搶進季後賽並全力贏得主場優勢。」 "We’ve just got to do the things we can control, try to make it as far as we can in the playoffs and go from there," Thomas said. "I can’t really put a mark on what our potential is [without making a move]. We’re just a team that goes out there and plays hard and worries about things we can control." 「我們只能控制好我們所能控制的,(在交易日後)試著在季後賽中走到最遠,之後再往前 邁進」IT說「我不能明確指出我們(如果沒做出交易的話)能有怎樣的成績,我們就是一支 球隊,上場盡力打球並面對我們所能面對的」 "I think [stability has] been great," Stevens said. The Celtics made 11 trades and carried 40 players on their roster last season. This year, Boston hasn't made a deal since mid-July and still has the same 15 players who were on the roster to start the season. Stevens credits that continuity with allowing the team to make strides. "Listen, we’re in great shape from a future-flexibility standpoint, and we’ ve got a team that really likes playing together and has played some good basketball," Stevens said. "My job and my focus is not on the big picture and future as much as it is working on us playing good basketball and practicing well today. But I feel good about where we are in a lot of ways and I think that continuity has helped that." 「我認為現在球隊的穩定性不錯」CBS說 去年C's做出了11次交易、來來去去了40位球員;今年,球隊仍沒有做出任何交易,到了 現在仍是開季的15位球員,CBS認為陣容的持續性允許了球隊有了飛躍性的進步。 「聽著,C's處在一個可塑性非常好的立足點上,而現階段我們有著一隻真正喜歡為彼此 打球的球隊;在我的工作裡,規劃未來這件事並不能比起在今天有著一個良好的練習或是 打出一場好球來得更重要,但我對球隊在許多方面的表現感覺很好,而我認為這種持續的 好表現對這(球隊的未來規劃)有所幫助。」 Turner, who had a disastrous stint after being dealt to Indiana at the deadline in 2014, noted that in-season additions can be hit or miss. "Chemistry is everything, camaraderie is everything," said Turner. "It would be something special if they made a trade and someone fit in right away, but there’s an adjustment period to everything and people have to get acclimated. We’re a pretty close-knit group, and, at the end of the day, whether it’s basketball or not, you’ll be missing the person you’ve seen the whole year." 「化學效應以及同濟之間的情感會影響一切」14年經歷過季中交易的ET說道「如果交易來 的球員能夠融入球隊的確能帶來特別的效果,但那必須讓球員們經歷一段適應的時間,我 們是一群相當緊密的團隊,而到了最後,不管是不是跟籃球有關,你總是會想念起那個一 年到頭都在見面的人。」 按:ET感覺很過來人阿 ------ 新聞出處(必填): http://goo.gl/ghi2T6 作者: 沒寫耶 https://goo.gl/9Nvuo5 這是Real GM上禮拜推的一張簡圖,滿有趣的,裡面劃分了四個區塊:平均上場15分鐘以上 的球隊球員,其平均年齡作為左右區分,上方代表進攻效率前十,下方代表防守效率前十 ,而C's則為唯一進攻及防守接落在前十區間,而且主力球員落在年輕區塊的球隊 而這多少代表了些甚麼,對吧?:) ------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1455910318.A.A15.html ※ 編輯: NLchu (, 02/20/2016 03:34:23
pote85712 : 米奇:3 02/20 06:09
jasonlin1993: David Lee byebye 02/20 06:27
piercepaul : 今天一早起來看變成要休息三周 02/20 06:59
piercepaul : Crowder說完,馬上有人做這張圖http://is.gd/YYsluq 02/20 07:01
pote85712 : 身材比例不科學 02/20 08:22
BrandonMai : Mickey加油~好好表現 02/20 08:23
chernalbert : 推Crowder! 02/20 08:49
davis825 : 哈哈哈哈 那圖太好笑了 02/20 11:41