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https://twitter.com/jaytatum0/status/1085182183638269952 Nike has chosen one of the NBA's brightest young stars to debut its shoe of th e future. Nike on Tuesday rolled out the Adapt BB, a laceless basketball shoe that can b e adjusted via mobile app. And Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum will be the first to wear the new-age kicks Wednesday night in Boston's home game against the Toronto Raptors. The shoe won't be fully rolled out until the day of the NBA All-Star Game, but until then, Nike has selected Tatum to be its pitchman. "Being one of the first athletes to wear the shoe and being picked as a repres entative of the future of Nike basketball means a lot," Tatum said in a statem ent on Nike's website. "That the app allows the ability to put the shoe on and touch the button, change the colors, see the percentage on the battery...it's just cool." If you're wondering how these things work: In lieu of laces, each shoe has a " custom motor and gear train" that can sense tension and adjust to fit the play er's foot. To loosen or tighten the shoe, the player can touch two buttons on the side of the shoe or slide a touch screen in the accompanying mobile app. That Tatum will be the first player to wear Nike's first-ever auto-lacing bask etball shoe is a pretty cool opportunity for the 20-year-old, who just scored a career-high 34 points in Monday's loss to the Brooklyn Nets. If Tatum and the Celtics are able to snap a three-game losing streak by beatin g the best team in the Eastern Conference, well, it's gotta be the shoes. Nike選擇了Tatum作為第一個在場上穿上新科技Adapt BB的球員。此款鞋預計在2/17明星 賽才會正式推出,鞋子沒有鞋帶,可利用手機app或是鞋子旁的按鈕調整鞋子的鬆緊度與 顏色。利用科技去貼合每一位穿鞋球員的腳型。 利用app來脫鞋: https://twitter.com/darrenrovell/status/1085190714823065600?s=21 來源:https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/celtics/jayson-tatum-debut-nikes-self-l acing-adapt-bb-shoe-vs-raptors 能回到主場面對暴龍終止球隊的3連敗才是最重要的! 註*目前暫定售價為$350 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1547659136.A.9BE.html ※ 編輯: jt0711t23 (, 01/17/2019 01:25:17
B12678: 全員出戰包括阿榮 打暴龍 !!! 01/17 06:19
RyCrow: 滿有趣的,調緊的時候應該會很像量血壓 01/17 09:38
tetsufuu: 手機沒電484就不能脫鞋了 01/18 01:36