看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/celtics/daddys-happy-gordon-hayward-wife-roby n-welcome-third-child https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEDl4qhxDi/ "Our sweet Nora Mae was a little stubborn on wanting to join us, but she was w orth the wait," Robyn wrote in her post. "Yesterday was a special day. " 重點節錄:Hayward在上週缺席對老鷹隊的比賽,因為已在預產期,不過晚了幾天,在這 週五才出生。 Hayward didn't travel with the Celtics to Atlanta last weekend for Saturday ni ght's game against the Hawks due to personal reasons. It was assumed his absen ce was due to he and Robyn expecting their child, and that appears to be the c ase, as Nora Mae came a few days later than the couple expected. 這也是Hayward第三位女兒! https://i.imgur.com/eIqwXEb.jpg
以Hayward這個基因,女兒未來應該不得了XD 希望生子後的Hayward可以回復一波 慢慢漸入佳境 數據可以穩定來個15-5-3應該是球迷 想看到的 Let’s go Celtics! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1548451509.A.51F.html
BOSTONstyle: 娶某前,生子後。 GH來一波爆發吧! 01/26 06:49
davis825: 恭喜恭喜~ 01/26 07:57
mog044: KI感冒 照樣玩弄MM https://youtu.be/mA4XmECkCI4 01/26 08:06
mog044: 聰明模仿JT超級靠盃的啦 笑瘋XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 01/26 08:07
BOSTONstyle: 看到阿明就笑了 太機車了啦XDDDDD 01/26 09:45
Avvenire: 87%像 哈哈哈www 01/26 09:47
Coetzee: 模仿JT跑步真的好靠北XD 01/26 10:35
yashiky2010: 真 人生贏家 01/26 11:08
larryleepig: 跑步超級像 01/26 11:26
Coetzee: 灰熊真慘R 最慘的那種XD 01/26 13:26
vua: 阿明模仿得超像啊 XDDD 01/26 14:44
neooil: 恭喜Hayward! 01/26 14:58
tottoko0908: 乾 聰明模仿有夠像 笑死哈哈哈 01/26 15:03
triff: 恭喜恭喜 01/26 17:07
sam369: GH廠均15差不多 畢竟隊上可以得分的人很多也不可能像以前 01/26 21:32
sam369: 在爵士那樣場均22分了 01/26 21:32
b10303112: 恭喜 01/26 21:33
jt0711t23: 不過領超過3000萬 是應該給球權讓他能砍到場均22 01/27 00:25
jt0711t23: 不過那也是等他身手完全恢復後才有的事了 01/27 00:25
sam369: 以BS的哲學來看 應該不單單只是看得分多少來界定黑娃貢獻 01/27 00:39
sam369: 但是季後賽如果黑娃恢復夠好 就有可能爆出這種高得分數據 01/27 00:39
chang860708: 阿明那個靠北啦哈哈哈哈哈 01/27 09:14